ARAB-KURDISH DIALOGUE CONFERENCE: The common future of Arabs and Kurds was discussed in Amman

Photo: HDP Spokesperson at the Arab-Kurdish Dialogue Conference Ebru Günay/

Jordan At the ‘Arab-Kurdish Dialogue Conference’, ways were sought to build the future on common history, common points, and to eliminate stereotypes and mutual fear and distrust

According to the news of Yeni Yaşam, Jordan at the weekend’ The common future of Arabs and Kurds was also discussed at the Arab-Kurdish Dialogue Conference. Equal and effective citizenship, democratic nation, the right to self-determination, sovereignty and what can be done to protect the territorial integrity of countries were discussed. Politicians from Turkey, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria attended the Arab-Kurdish Dialogue Conference titled “A Common Future is the Way to the Future”.

Upon the invitation of the Jerusalem Center for Political Studies and the Kurdish-Arab Initiative Committee, the conference, attended by Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Ebru Günay, was organized to strengthen relations between Kurds and Arabs.

Right to self-determination, democratic nation

The topics were discussed under three headings at the conference:

  • The future is to be built on common history, common points, ways to eliminate stereotypes and mutual fear and distrust.
    The role of Kurdish and Arab women in maintaining peace and stability, creating an environment of coexistence and ensuring justice for all”
  • “Map of common interests, how to handle the Kurdish issue, what can be done about equal and effective citizenship, democratic nation, right to self-determination, sovereignty and protection of the territorial integrity of countries”
    • In addition, the importance of building a common future for Arabs and Kurds and suggestions about what can be done in this area were discussed at the conference.

      In this context, similar conference, panel and seminar proposals came to the fore for the further development of Arab and Kurdish relations.

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