Are you ready for new songs? Saba Qamar surprised the fans

What is Saba Qamar, the leading actress of Pakistani film and drama industry, going to do now? The viral image on social media has made it clear.

According to the details, after making a good name in the world of acting, now Saba Qamar He has decided to assert himself in the world of singing. He hinted at entering the world of singing in a message on social media.

Saba Qamar Sharing a photo with his fans, he said, “Are you ready for a new song?”, At the same time he wrote that I am thinking of a rap song. It may be recalled that actress Sabar Qamar had played the lead role in ARY Digital’s drama ‘Cheekh’ which was well received by the fans. Apart from Saba, Ashna Shah, Bilal Abbas and others were also present in the drama. .

So, are you ready for the new song? 😂😍

Soch rahee houn aik rap ho jaye ✌️😎🤩

– Saba Qamar (s_qamarzaman) September 29, 2021


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