Argentine President will visit Russia and China

Buenos Aires, Jan 14 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Alberto Fernández will embark on a tour of Russia and China next month, where he will hold meetings with his peers Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, respectively, government sources reported today.

In statements echoed by the Télam agency, the presidential spokesperson, Gabriela Cerruti, confirmed the tour first with a stopover in Moscow on February 3 and the next day in China, where Fernández will attend the opening of the Winter Olympics in that country.

The Argentine president’s visit to the giant Asia will also coincide with the 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which began on February 19, 1972.

According to the source, Russia will hold the pending bilateral meeting between Fernández and Putin, in which both heads of state will talk about collaboration on the issue of vaccines, investments, science and other issues of common interest.

It will be the first face-to-face meeting between both dignitaries , after last November 7 they spoke by telephone for half an hour, in a conversation where they reviewed the bilateral agenda.

On the other hand, Fernández will also fulfill an important agenda in China, where several meetings are scheduled.


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