Armed attack in Mardin: 1 dead

In the Nusaybin district of Mardin, 29-year-old Syrian national Mehmet Hasan, who was attacked with a gun, was taken to the hospital where he was seriously injured. died.


09:45 – 06 January 2022

Mardin’de silahlı saldırı: 1 ölü

The incident occurred yesterday at around 20.30 in Selahattin Eyyubi Neighborhood Sülün Sokak. Syrian Mehmet Hasan, who was attacked by an unknown person or persons, was seriously injured.

Police and medical team were dispatched to the region upon the notification of the people around. was done. After the first intervention, the medical team took Hasan to Nusaybin State Hospital by ambulance. Despite all the efforts of the doctors, Hasan could not be saved.

Mehmet Hasan’s lifeless body was put in the morgue of the hospital for autopsy. The police examined the security camera footage in the area to identify and capture the suspect or suspects. DHA

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