Arvind Kejriwal's press conference in Ludhiana today: Will announce second guarantee; 5 announcements were made for businessmen, AAP convener Delhi CM is on a two-day visit to Punjab

ludhiana3 hours ago

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  • AAP Convenor Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a program in Ludhiana.

    Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will hold a press conference in Ludhiana city of Punjab today. Here they can announce their second guarantee, which will be about employment and employment allowances. Today is the second day of Arvind Kejriwal’s Punjab tour. They came to Chandigarh yesterday morning and reached Ludhiana in the afternoon. As soon as he came to the city, he held a meeting with the traders and also made 5 announcements to woo them.

    Arvind Kejriwal late By night, he kept meeting the state leaders of the party and discussed with them the current political situation in Punjab. Arvind Kejriwal also discussed with the senior leadership about the current situation of the party and the election strategy. It has also been heard that the loss due to delay in announcing the face of the Chief Minister in the state has also been discussed. Some leaders have suggested the name of Bhagwant Mann and some are against it. Arvind Kejriwal also met some big entrepreneurs on Wednesday.

  • Arvind Kejriwal interacting with reporters in Chandigarh.

    Kejriwal will announce his second guarantee
    Arvind Kejriwal has reached Punjab to announce the second guarantee. This is to be announced on his behalf during the press conference in Ludhiana. It is being said that he can talk about giving employment and increasing the amount of employment allowance. It is also being said that he can also keep his point on the ongoing discord in Congress and talks with business organizations. He has earlier announced to increase free power units to the needy. His announcement was very much discussed. After this, Akali Dal Badal and Congress had also announced to increase free power units.

  • चंडीगढ़ में पत्रकारों से बातचीत करते अरविंद केजरीवाल।
  • Captain Amarinder Singh ARE STATEMENT
    Captain Amarinder Singh, who was removed from the post of Chief Minister, is in Delhi. He met Home Minister Amit Shah. Officially it has been said that the Captain has spoken to Amit Shah only regarding agricultural laws, but its meaning is being taken out in many ways. It is being said that Captain can join BJP. Has Arvind Kejriwal ever talked to Captain Amarinder Singh or can he be offered Aam Aadmi Party, what Arvind Kejriwal says will be very important.

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