At least 15 dead after storms rage in US states

The top line: At least 15 people were killed across the central United States as tornadoes and other extreme storms hit several states including Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

The bigger picture: The storms, spanning from north of Dallas to northwest Arkansas, have wreaked havoc, with the Midwest bracing for further violent weather.

The storms destroyed homes and caused electricity outages while a number of people were injured.

The key quote: “The number of people injured and the types of injuries are not known at this time as the incident is still a working scene,” authorities wrote in a post on the Denton County, Texas Facebook page.

What else to know: Seven people, including two young children, died in Cooke County, Texas.

In Oklahoma, storms disrupted an outdoor wedding, causing deaths and injuries.

Five people were reported killed in Arkansas, with significant destruction in several counties.

The storms have caused widespread power outages affecting tens of thousands of people and delayed the start of the Indianapolis 500.

What happens next: The storm system is expected to move east, bringing severe weather to Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia in the coming days.

Forecasters have issued warnings for these regions to prepare for potential tornadoes and dangerous weather conditions.

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