At the Hornooravská hospital, they limited the treatment of oncology patients

13. Jan 2022 at 7:05 I Paid content

In the district The number of infected is growing sharply in Námestovo

Minister zdravotníctva Vladimír Lengvarský predstavuje nové opatrenia. Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský presents new measures. (Source: SITA)

ORAVA . “We clearly see that vaccination is of great importance, with 90 percent of us vaccinated in bed. I look at the pictures of my lungs and they are so damaged by the inflammation that many of the survivors will return to normal for half a year and maybe a year, “says Marián Tholt, director of the Upper Moravian Hospital.

He pointed out the bad situation in the treatment of neocovideal patients. “The need to allocate more beds and staff for patients with covid forces us to take over in other wards. We would need to admit more palliative cancer patients, but we cannot because we have full capacity. They stay at home where they do not receive as much professional care as in the hospital. And those who refuse to be vaccinated should be aware of this. ” Related article Related article Vaccination of children from the age of five begins in Orava Read

Although Trstno Hospital cares for fewer people with covid during this period, these are more difficult cases. They had them on ward 24 yesterday, but another nine were suspected that if the disease was confirmed, the number would increase by almost a third.

When asked if unvaccinated patients with severe do not regret the rejection of vaccine , he replied that they usually didn’t have time to say anything like that. “A sharp deterioration occurs on the ninth or tenth day. If you connect them to artificial lung ventilation, they won’t say anything. “

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