At the rate – the Central Bank // The regulator looked into crypto exchangers

The Bank of Russia began to carefully study the operations of Russian banks related to crypto exchanges, in terms of payments between individuals, as well as in relation to casinos and forex dealers. The Central Bank believes that such payments create the risk of losing money to citizens and involve them in fraudulent schemes. Experts talk about the need to introduce “legal clarity” into the work of crypto exchangers.

As Kommersant learned, at the end of 2021, the Central Bank sent requests to banks regarding cooperation with crypto exchangers in terms of making payments between citizens (p2p) , including on cards of figureheads. Depending on the bank, the requests included exchangers from the list:,,,,,,,, vexel. com, Bankers say that they have not received such requests from the regulator before.

According to the participants of the crypto market, the services of 400–450 Russian and foreign crypto exchangers are now available to Russians. The volume of the over-the-counter cryptocurrency market in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries is about $1.3 billion per month, of which Russia accounts for about half. citizens for the purchase and sale of crypto-currencies, do not register their activities and do not bear financial obligations to individuals. At the same time, transactions are concluded anonymously, without studying the purposes of transactions and sources of funds to assess the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT). The exchangers accept payments, according to the regulator, “not to their current accounts, but to bank cards and electronic wallets controlled by them, often issued to front individuals.” This “creates the risk of citizens losing money and being involved in fraudulent schemes.”

, in fact, intermediary platforms for fulfilling orders for the selection of counterparties for the exchange, and the mechanism of their work is organized as a series of money transfer operations between individuals. At the same time, these transfers, as a rule, do not have any specific signs, payment purposes. ”

On the websites of the crypto exchangers listed above, among the partners are, for example, Sberbank, VTB, Tinkoff, Western Union, WebMoney , “Gold Crown”. Only the last two organizations from the list provided comments, denying cooperation with exchangers, the rest did not respond to requests. “The rules of the Zolotaya Korona payment system prohibit any transactions related to entrepreneurial activity, including cryptocurrency trading,” the system assured. “Fraud sites may appear on the Internet that place trademarks of the payment system and claim that they allegedly sell cryptocurrency, often at a favorable rate. All the sites listed have nothing to do with WebMoney, such exchangers are included in the list of dangerous sites, the organization claims. exclusively within the legal framework and is guided by the latest version of the recommendations developed by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering. The platform, they emphasized, does not provide services for p2p transfers.

According to the executive director of the National Payment Association, Maria Mikhailova, banks monitor the sites of crypto exchangers, which, without “any agreement”, place logos and names of credit organizations , payment systems, telecom operators, which “as if participate in exchange transactions.” “We need legal clarity. Without it, credit institutions, with all their desire and huge investments in AML / CFT, cannot cope with the task of blocking transfers,” she is sure.

Experts are sure that, despite assurances of good faith, exchangers, those who are on the list will find it difficult to continue their activities. At the same time, de jure crypto exchangers are not prohibited by law, says Yuri Brisov, director of Legal and Financial Creative Solutions (LFCS). “The crypto exchange business will become transparent if banks start working with it, and this will happen when there is clear regulation of the industry and the Central Bank softens its attitude towards the crypto business,” believes Alexander Guskov, partner of Guskov & Associates. In the meantime, it is easier for credit institutions to abandon such a partnership, which raises unnecessary questions from the Central Bank, the financiers interviewed by Kommersant agree.

Ksenia Dementieva, Polina Trifonova

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