Atomic Heart and Mount & Blade 2 coming to Game Pass this month

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Cities Skyline and Shadow Warrior 3 round out February

Another month, another fresh batch of Game Pass goodies. February’s PC Game Pass additions have plenty of variety and should appeal to fans of the following subjects: American ‘football’, the Dark Ages, stabbing Japanese demons, and shooting Soviet robots. February’s Game Pass picks kick off tomorrow with the online action-RPG SD Gundam Battle Alliance, and EA’s Madden NFL 23 – which corrupted a number of players’ saves last month.

Here’s what’s coming from the rest of February:

  • SD Gundam Battle Alliance – February 9th
  • Madden NFL 23 – February 9th
  • Mount & Blade II Bannerlord – February 14th
  • Cities: Skylines Remastered – February 15th
  • Shadow Warrior 3: Definitive Edition – February 16th
  • Atomic Heart – February 21st

Atomic Heart is likely the heavy hitter from this list. The nightmarish, steely FPS has spent a long time in the oven, and Ed got to try it while it was baking. In his impressionsEd said, “at times in the preview I felt it hit its ambitions, and genuinely pulled me into a crumbling technological idyll.” Although he added that it seemed “a little disjointed in its ambition, with a main character who almost immediately kills any atmosphere when he opens his mouth.”

Meanwhile, on the subject of Mount & Blade 2I said that “I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to formulate mediaeval war strategies,” dripping in tears.

Shadow Warriors 3 was another promising arena shooter that slightly tripped in execution. Its recent Definitive Edition added a new difficulty option, a new game plus, and two new modes.

Finally, if you’re a Game Pass Ultimate subscriber, you’ll be able to play EA’s upcoming Wild Hearts on February 13th with an early access trial. The Monster Hunter-like action game is fully releasing three days later, on February 16th.

We already knew which games were leaving the service on February 16th. There aren’t any major exits, so my wallet is safe for now.

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