Attack on Radio Ada: IGP must take keen interest in the case – Sulemana Braimah

The Executive Director of the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), Sulemana Braimah has said that the Inspector- General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare should take keen interest in the attack on journalists at Radio Ada.

According to him, the top hierarchy of the Police Service must ensure the case is thoroughly investigated for a better outcome.

Speaking in an interview on JoyNews’ The Pulse on Friday in reaction to the attack Mr. Braimah explained that, the incident is a matter that deserves national attention.

“So I believe that it is a matter that the Police headquarters, the IGP, or our senior officers must take a keen interest in and ensure that proper investigations are done and the perpetrators brought to book,” he said.

His comment comes against the backdrop of an attack on the community radio station, by thugs on Thursday.

Reports on the attack indicate that the thugs, numbering about 10, destroyed equipment and furniture in some of the station’s offices and manhandled two staff members over the content aired on one of the station’s programmes- ‘Manor Munyu’.

This, he said was because “It is not just an individual journalist who has been beaten, it is the whole station that has been attacked, equipment vandalised.”

“I believe that the government of Ghana should be interested because these are the kinds of things that at the end of the day, dent our reputation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Management of Radio Ada, 93.3 FM in a press statement stated that they were attacked because of their extensive coverage on matters relating to the Songor Lagoon.

The radio station, in a press statement that presented facts of the incident, stated that one of the hoodlums, revealed to them that they were targeted for throwing light on recent developments on the Songor Lagoon.

“The attackers openly declared that they had come to vandalise the station because of its ‘Manor Munyu’ and other programmes that discussed the recent developments in Songor. They threatened to inflict further havoc should the station continue with programmes on Songor,” the Management of the radio station stated.

But the company contracted to mine salt in the Songor Lagoon, Electrochem Ghana Limited, has dissociated itself from the attack on Radio Ada.

According to the Corporate Communications and Public Relations Manager of Electrochem Ghana Limited, Henking Adjase-Kodjo, the company has no hand in the incident.

“It’s news to me same as it is to you. I read it on social media a few minutes ago. Electrochem has no interest in this development. Actually, it is rather unfortunate. It is bad news to us but we have no direct or indirect link to the development,” said Henking Adjase-Kodjo.

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