Attention! These are the vehicles that will not pay tenure in 2022

The Mandatory Vehicle Verification Program for the first semester of 2022 will come into effect next January 3 and will be valid until June 30 of 2022.

The program will maintain the vehicle emissions verification conditions that were applied during 2021, including the cost of the emissions verification that will remain at 585 pesos and the penalties for not verifying in time or to circulate in roads of Mexico City with ostensible emissions or in restricted hours by the Hoy No Circula program. The verification calendar for vehicles registered in Mexico City will continue to be applied according to the color of the circulation sticker or the last numerical digit of the plates circulation of the unit, being as follows:

Calendar (Sedema)

What vehicles that do not pay tenure in the CDMX?

For 2022, the Ministry of Administration and Finance offers a forgiveness of payment for owners who meet the following series of requirements:

  • Do not owe holdings from previous years.
  • Have a valid circulation card, or renew it.
  • Be registered as a natural person with the SAT.
  • The value of the vehicle must not exceed 250 thousand pesos , taking into account factors such as depreciation and VAT.
  • How much will be paid for vehicle ownership in 2022?

    For next year, the amount to pay for the vehicle possession will depend on the number of cylinders in your car, remaining as follows:

  • Up to 4 cylinders: 410 pesos
  • Of 5 or 6 cylinders: thousand 226 pesos
  • Of 8 or more cylinders: thousand 529 pesos Vehicles imported to the country, with a model year after 1964, will pay a fee of 2 thousand 786 pesos

  • Motorcycles: 511 pesos
  • Vehicles intended for public passenger transport: thousand 273 pesos
  • Cargo vehicles with load plates or private service: 248 pesos for each ton or fraction of cargo or towing capacity
  • The most important news in Finance, Economy, Business and Politics of Mexico

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