Austria – new infections within 24 hours

The number of new infections in Austria is again in five digits: According to the authorities, 10,291 people had a positive test in the past 24 hours. A similar number of new infections only occurred during the fourth wave at the end of 2021, in which up to 15,809 cases were reported. In Austria’s hospitals, the number of infected people has meanwhile decreased for the fifth day in a row. 911 corona patients are currently being treated there, nine fewer than the day before.

Updated January 9, 2022 | 15:30

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Photo: Bihlmayer Photography,

Due to the infectious omicron variant of the corona virus, the seven-day incidence continues to rise steeply. On Sunday it climbed from 525.1 to 603.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants across Austria. Salzburg has the highest incidence with 1,245.9 cases, followed by Tyrol (1,245.9). Some distance behind are Vienna (790.4), Vorarlberg (563.3), Upper Austria (448.3), Lower Austria (446.2), Styria with 334.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Carinthia (328.6) and Finally Burgenland (251.7).

So there were 69,757 active cases in this country on Sunday, 7,546 more than the day before – an increase of 12.1 percent within 24 hours. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 1,339,421 confirmed cases in Austria. In the past week alone, 53,911 people across Austria were infected with the corona virus. 1,255,816 people have recovered since the outbreak of the epidemic.

Four more deaths have been reported since Saturday, the corona pandemic has claimed 96 lives in the last seven days alone, so there have been since the pandemic began 13,848 deaths registered in connection with the virus.

The test facilities at home are also well used on weekends: 630,699 rapid PCR and antigen tests were carried out in the past 24 hours. Of these, 524,412 were meaningful PCR tests with a positive rate of 1.96 percent – which is above the seven-day average of 1.8 percent. The positive rate was highest in the past seven days in Salzburg with 5.5 and in Tyrol with 4.5 percent.

In the last 24 hours, a total of 40,942 vaccinations were administered across Austria. This means that exactly 6,323,508 people have valid vaccination protection. According to the data in the e-vaccination pass, a total of 6,649,281 people received at least one vaccination.

The protection rate (valid vaccination certificate) is highest in Burgenland at 76.3 percent. In Lower Austria 72.8 percent of the population have valid vaccination protection, in Styria 70.8 percent. After Vienna (69.7), Tyrol (69.6), Vorarlberg (68), Salzburg (67.7) and Carinthia (67.5), Upper Austria brings up the rear with 66.6 percent.

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