“Authorities did not work when they should have, so now they can only cry”: Radovanović on the new jump in the number of infected

Photo by Djordje Kojadinovic

(Beta ) – Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović estimated today that the increase in the number of newly infected crowns with the virus was expected because the authorities failed to do what was needed before the New Year holidays.

Radovanović told the Beta agency that there were forecasts that the number of infected people would increase many times after the mass gatherings.

“The authorities failed to work when needed and now they can only cry,” he said.

He also assessed that marketing estimates that the New Year’s celebrations are more favorable for the New Year’s celebrations were more influential, according to the authorities’ rating.

“Even in Vienna and Budapest they know about fireworks and New Year celebrations and it’s a matter of priority whether to be organized, “he said.

In Serbia, in the last 24 hours from the consequences of coronavirus infection, 19 people died and infected are 5,224 people, it was published today on the site kovid19.rs.

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