Actress Madhu Shalini who made her debut in Tamil with ‘Pazhaniappa Kalloori’ later found fame after acting as Arya’s pair in ‘Avan Ivan’ directed by Bala. She then starred in Kamal Haasan’s ‘Thoongavanam’ and the recently released ‘Visithiran’ starring R.K. Suresh and produced by Bala.
Madhu Shalini on June 16th got married to actor Gokul Anand in Hyderabad. She shared photos from her wedding and wrote “Thank you for all the love we’ve received. We look forward to the new chapter of our lives with hope and gratitude in our hearts. Love MADHU SHALINI & GOKUL”
Gokul Anand made his debut as hero in the Tamil movie ‘Chennai to Singapore’ and has also acted in Aishwarya Rajesh’s ‘Thittam Irandu’ and Bharath’s ‘Naduvan’. He and Madhu Shalini fell in love during the making of their movie ‘Pancharaaksharam’ and after dating for a couple of years decided to tie the knot.
Madhu Shalini will next be seen in the upcoming movie ‘Ranger’ directed by Dharanidaran and starring Sibiraj, Remya Nambesan and Kaali Venkat. The film is expected to release in the coming weeks.
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