Awards for scientists who do honor to our science. The Neuron Awards commemorated Czech achievements in hematology and crystallography

David Preiss, Josef Prchal and Václav Petřiček

Photo: Neuron Endowment Fund

One dedicated his life to hematology, the other to crystallography and the third to mathematics. Through their research, they were all able to advance not only their own field, but also to contribute to a slightly better life for all of us as a result. Nevertheless, few people outside the professional public know the name of Josef Prchal, Václav Petříček or David Preiss. However, this is changing with this year’s announcement of the Neuron Awards

The Neuron Awards regularly recognize scientists and entrepreneurs who spread the fame of Czech science throughout the world. and they move our whole society forward through their discoveries. All three of the above-mentioned gentlemen were awarded for their lifelong contribution to science, another seven awards were presented to young and promising scientists, and one award was given for the extraordinary connection between science and business.

Josef Prchal


Awarded Josef Prchal

Photo: Neuron Endowment Fund

Identified genes responsible for human adaptation to high altitudes and revealed the molecular basis of blood diseases. Josef Prchal started scientific research as a student of the Medical Faculty of Charles University. He then emigrated to Canada and later to the United States, where the previously won Purkinje Prize opened the door for him. Today, Josef Prchal is one of the largest capacities in his field, and he is also considered his “scientific father” by two current Nobel Prize winners, Bruce Beutler, together with Jules A. Hoffmann

Václav Petříček


Awarded Václav Petřiček

Photo: Neuron Endowment Fund

The secret structures of substances, on the other hand, enchanted Václav Petříček, who deals with the development of software systems for the calculation of complicated crystal structures. The JANA program, which Petříček named after his daughter, is used for this purpose. This program makes it possible to study the internal structure of solids and various organic materials.

What used to take weeks will now take up to hours thanks to its program. Today, Petříček, who has been working here for fifty years at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, leads another generation of scientists who, following his example, further advance the entire field of crystallography.

David Preiss


Awarded David Preiss

Photo: Neuron Endowment Fund

Ingenious mathematician. This is how Colin Sparrow, head of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Warwick, described David Preiss. Preiss, who also works at this English university, is an expert in the geometric theory of measure. She studies the interaction between geometry and size measurement in Euclidean, ie intuitively presented and general spaces.

Preiss has received a number of awards for his research. He is also an elected member of the British Royal Society. Today, he is considered one of the leaders in the field, which is an essential part of modern mathematical analysis, in which he helps with the solution of partial differential equations, probability theory or numerical mathematics problems.

For their life’s work, this trio of scientists was rewarded with an amount of 1.5 million crowns, which the Neuron Endowment Fund will provide from the donations of patrons. The financial reward in the amount of half a million crowns was also handed over to young scientists. Zuzana Musilová

These names were added by Martin Tancer, who was awarded for his work in computer technology, where he tries to find effective algorithms for the problem related to the transformation of spatial objects. And the last winner was economist Petr Sedláček for his research into the role of companies and startups in the macroeconomy.

and business, in addition to the popularization of science, belongs to the main mission of the Neuron Endowment Fund, “ said Monika Vondráková, chairwoman of the board of directors and co-founder of the fund. “Therefore, I am glad that this year we can appreciate not only scientists who are engaged in basic research, but also those who continue to process their discoveries and actively seeks to ensure that their work has the greatest possible impact on society as a whole. “


All awards of this year’s Neuron Awards

Photo: Neuron Endowment Fund

That is why this year, for the first time, Neuron awarded the extraordinary connection between science and business. This was won by scientists Vítězslav Bryja and Kamil Paruch together with transferor Radoslav Trautmann, who were awarded for their academic spin-off CasInvent Pharma, which works with the intellectual property of Masaryk University and develops a drug against leukemia.

The spin-off is currently in the preclinical phase and, thanks to new investment partners, is slowly preparing for clinical trials. The value of the entire company is currently estimated at three billion crowns. CasInvent Pharma is also backed by the i & i Prague biotechnology incubator, which recently announced its intention to invest the amount of 1 in the creation and operation of similar academic spin-offs. , 1 billion crowns .

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