Azapo, PAC to hold summit for joint approach ahead of 2024 vote

After over a year of cooperation since the signing of the declaration of cooperation in February 2021, the Azanian People’s Organisation (Azapo) and the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) are set to host an elections summit.

The purpose of the summit is to review the party’s cooperation agreement and explore possibilities for a joint approach towards the upcoming 2024 general elections.

The highly anticipated summit, scheduled to take place on Saturday, will be held at Khotso House in Johannesburg.

After the summit, the parties will address a media conference on Monday, where updates and outcomes of the summit will be shared.

In a joint statement on Friday, Azapo and PAC expressed their enthusiasm for the elections summit and the potential it holds for consolidating their cooperation.

They acknowledged the positive outcomes achieved thus far and highlighted the need for continued collaboration to achieve shared goals of advancing Pan-Africanism and empowering the people.

They stated that they have demonstrated their cooperation over the past year through joint commemorative services and coordinated events, further highlighting their roles in honouring significant historical events such as the Sharpeville Massacre and June 16 Uprising in Soweto.

“Azapo and PAC have since held joint commemorative services of the Sharpeville Massacre on 21 March in 2022 and 2023. They have also jointly coordinated and commemorated the June 16 Uprising in Soweto in the past two years,” reads the statement.

“In 2023, Azapo and the PAC expanded the circle to arrange Afrikan Liberation Day on 25 May with the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, an internationalist political party, and the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress of Swaziland.”

The successful cooperation between Azapo and PAC has opened up possibilities for the formation of the Azanian Block in Liberation politics.

They stated that as a result, they are now turning their attention towards the 2024 general elections.

“The success of the cooperation has led to possibilities for the Azanian Block in Liberation politics to start discussing the 2024 national and provincial general elections.

“The Azapo and PAC summit will hold political talks on the possibility to approach the 2024 election campaign as one entity.

“The summit will also reflect on the shifting political paradigm and coalition politics.”

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