Backgrounder: Canada-France In-Flight Security Officer Treaty

In response to the events of September 11, 2001, the Government of Canada allocated funding to meet rigorous new standards for security in airports and on aircraft operated by Canadian air carriers transporting passengers. The Canadian Air Carrier Protective Program is a tool allowing prevention and response to terrorism-related aviation security risks by deploying in-flight security officers to ensure the safety and integrity of aircraft and the passengers on board.

In response to the events of September 11, 2001, the Government of Canada allocated funding to meet rigorous new standards for security in airports and on aircraft operated by Canadian air carriers transporting passengers. The Canadian Air Carrier Protective Program is a tool allowing prevention and response to terrorism-related aviation security risks by deploying in-flight security officers to ensure the safety and integrity of aircraft and the passengers on board.

Canadian security officers provide a unique protective service on board commercial aircraft registered in Canada. Officers are deployed following risk assessments performed by the RCMP on an ongoing basis. The Canada-France In-Flight Security Officer Treaty will allow for the reciprocal deployment of in-flight security officers between Canada and France and is the first treaty of its kind for both countries. This added layer of security will protect Canada’s aviation system from a vast array of threats.

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