Baker Mayfield Trade Rumors: Browns QB May Consider Requesting Deal Without Changes

AP Photo/Matt Durisko

Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield is reportedly unhappy with the team’s play-calling and could seek a new home in the offseason.

“If Mayfield doesn’t get reassurance that things will change next season, he’ll consider asking to be traded,” Mary Kay Cabot of reported.

According to Cabot, Mayfield felt head coach Kevin Stefanski’s play-calling “didn’t always put him in position to succeed or play to his strengths.”

Mayfield seemingly denied the report on Twitter:

Baker Mayfield @bakermayfield

Clickbait. You and many other Cleveland local media continue to be drama stirring reporters with no sources or facts. Don’t put words in my mouth so you can put food on your table. I’m not your puppet.

The 26-year-old is set to make $18.9 million in 2022 in the final year of his rookie deal.

Mayfield has been ruled out of Sunday’s season finale against the Cincinnati Bengals while he prepares to undergo left shoulder surgery. It completes a disappointing season as the Browns fell short of the playoffs despite high expectations.

The quarterback struggled, finishing with 3,010 passing yards and 17 touchdowns with 13 interceptions in 14 games. His 35.3 Total QBR ranked 26th of 31 qualified players.

Last year, Mayfield finished 10th in Total QBR at 65.5.

His past success could convince opposing teams to take a chance on the 2018 No. 1 overall pick. A new system could allow him to reach expectations and rebound after a tough year.

With just one year on his contract, a quarterback-needy team would also have limited risk.

Cleveland, meanwhile, could start fresh at the position and hope a new quarterback can get the squad back to the playoffs.     

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