Baki Game Brings Brutal Beatdowns to Mobile Devices

Baki Game Brings Brutal Beatdowns to Mobile Devices

by Joseph Luster January 10, 2022

baki game

The intense martial arts action of the Baki anime—based on the manga by Keisuke Itagaki—is officially making the leap to mobile devices. A new game was revealed to mark the occasion of the series’s 30th anniversary, and Baki: King of Souls is set to launch sometime this year.

King of Souls is being billed as a “hand-to-hand combat RPG,” and will be free-to-play with optional in-game microtransactions. Check out a teaser while we wait below.

The latest Baki anime to make its way to Netflix was Baki Hanma, which premiered all 12 episodes back in September of last year.

Via Anime News Network

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