Baldur’s Gate 3 update made Faith-Leap Trial much more difficult to solve


  • Baldur’s Gate 3’s Faith-Leap Trial might have become more difficult to solve after a recent update.
  • Most unsuccessful attempts were caused by the Pixie Blessing Condition which made players fall through.
  • One way to solve the Faith-Leap Trial is to carefully observe and follow the outlines in a perfectly dark room.

The Faith-Leap Trial is an intricate puzzle which can be found in the second act of Baldur’s Gate 3. Players have complained about the task where they have to traverse an invisible complex bridge over an abyss.

Baldur’s Gate 3 recently released a few changes to help out gamers during the Faith-Leap Trial. Now, the path chosen becomes visible to set up the correct approach. However, it seems like at least one of the solutions has been removed in a recent update.

Reddit user @roadrunnrNM pointed out that the Faith-Leap Trial seems “a lot harder than it used to be”. As more users chimed in, it was concluded that there has been a change in the level of difficulty.

Another interesting fact was unraveled– some unsuccessful attempts were caused by the Pixie Blessing Condition. If your party has it, the light source will make your character fall through irrespective of whether the path is correct or not.

Equipping Lanthander’s Light can also potentially cause failure. However, some players argued that using Lathander’s Light actually improved the visibility of the path in Faith-Leap Trial.

The update which tweaked the challenge was released back in February. However, the patch notes do not specifically mention a change which led fans to believe that this was unintentional.

One way to make sure you successfully complete the Faith-Leap Trial is to carefully observe the outlines in a dark room. Developers have yet to release an official comment on the Faith-Leap Trial. However, if the issue persists, we could have a solution on the way.

Baldur’s Gate III is a role-playing video game developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the third main game in the Baldur’s Gate series, based on the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing system.

A partial game version was released in early access format for Windows, macOS, and the Stadia streaming service on 6 October 2020., followed shortly by a release on the PlayStation 5 on 6 September 2023.

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