‘BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!!’ Gets Compilation Movie in 2024

The Bushiroad New Year Grand Presentation 2024 event announced a two-part compilation movie for the BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!! television anime on Saturday.

The anime movie is scheduled to premiere its two parts in 2024, titled Haru no Hidamari, Mayoi Neko, and Utau, Bokura ni Nareru Uta & Film Live, respectively. The movie is a re-edited version of the television anime, featuring new scenes, and the second part will also screen a new Film Live movie.

Produced by SANZIGEN, the television anime premiered in Summer 2023. Crunchyroll simulcast the anime series with English subtitles as it aired in Japan. A sequel titled BanG Dream! Ave Mujica is scheduled to air in January 2025.

BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!! is a story about the MyGO!!!!! band in the BanG Dream! franchise. The first television anime of the multimedia franchise, abbreviated as Bandori, was produced by Xebec and Issen in Winter 2017. A second season by SANZIGEN premiered in Winter 2019, followed by a third season in Winter 2020.

The BanG Dream! Film Live and BanG Dream! Film Live 2nd Stage anime movies premiered in September 2019 and August 2021.

In their last year of middle school, the five band members of CRYCHIC went their separate ways after an unpleasant disbandment. Each wrestling with their own regrets, the girls enrolled in different high schools, hoping never to hear from one another again.

Meanwhile, Anon Chihaya transfers to Haneoka Girls’ Academy in the middle of the school year. As most students play in a band as a hobby, Anon desires to fit in and spends her first days trying to recruit members for her own band, envisioning herself as the group’s vocalist. She befriends Tomori Takamatsu, a shy girl who seems interested but hesitant about joining. As it turns out, Tomori used to be part of CRYCHIC, an experience that has scarred her deeply.

Through Tomori, Anon meets Taki Shiina and Soyo Nagasaki, both former members of the same band. Although Taki detests the idea of playing with Anon, Soyo is delighted to help her out. Now with Soyo by her side, Anon’s dream of forming a band is within reach—if only she could find a few more members. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Official site: https://anime.bang-dream.com/mygo/

Official X (Twitter): @bang_dream_mygo

Source: Mantan Web

BanG Dream! It’s MyGO!!!!! Movie on MAL

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