Bangkok has entered Home isolation, 2,682 people

Department of Medical Services Revealing the green COVID-19 bed occupancy rate in Bangkok has increased to 30.7%, and asked for cooperation among 2,682 asymptomatic people in the latest home isolation system, while 163 comunity isolation

today (10) Jan. 2022), Dr. Somsak Ankasil, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services Addressing the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, there are now 178,139 beds across the country as of January 9, 2022. The rate of bed occupancy across the country has increased to 22.7% from the original date of December 31, 2021. at 11%, especially in the Bangkok area The latest bed occupancy rate is 30.7%

. It was found that level 2 (yellow) and level 3 (red) beds had decreased occupancy rates. As of December 31, 2021, the occupancy rate of yellow beds nationwide was 6.4%, as of January 9. 2022, reduced to 3.2%, the red bed The bed occupancy rate dropped to 4.3%, but the Level 1 (green) bed occupancy rate increased nationwide to 34.1%

. Dr. Somsak Mention the reasons why there is still a green bed. Because children under 1 year old may have a rapid change in symptoms. The pediatrician will then ask for admin first. including patients aged 60 years and over, group 7, risk diseases and pregnant women May be diagnosed by a doctor on a case-by-case basis

. Encourage those who are in good health, without co-morbidity, or who have a well-controlled co-morbidity to enter Home isolation (HI) and Comunity isolation (CI) before


HI and CI information in Bangkok area There are 2,682 registered HI (788 new recruits), 41 CI 5,158 beds 163 infected (19 new recruits) 4,995 empty beds or 95.8% 8 field hospitals 1660 beds There are 82 infected people (19 new recruits) 1,578 beds available 95.1%

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