Bank Santander mistakenly transferred 130 million pounds to 75 thousand. different accounts

2021-12-30 17:47

2021-12-30 17:47

Bank Santander przez pomyłkę przelał 130 mln funtów na 75 tys. różnych kont
Bank Santander przez pomyłkę przelał 130 mln funtów na 75 tys. różnych kont

photo. Isabel Infantes / / Reuters

Bank Santander mistakenly transferred PLN 75 thousand. various accounts £ 130 million. The money also went to competing banks, and therefore Santander may have problems with recovering funds – BBC TV reported on Thursday.

“We are sorry that due to a technical problem some payments from our corporate clients were incorrectly duplicated in customer accounts,” the bank said in a statement, commenting on the incident on December 25. “We will work with a number of banks across the UK to recover these funds,” added.

people were paid money from their employer’s account twice, although the second payment was financed by Santander.

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In a conversation with BBC television, an anonymous employee of a company that is a bank’s customer he admitted that a mistake ruined his Christmas holidays. “I thought I had paid hundreds of thousands of pounds wrongly, it really ruined my holidays,” he said.

Santander insisted that he had already started talk to competing banks, which include Barclays, HSBC, NatWest, Co-operative Bank and Virgin Money, according to The Times. It was reported that these banks “will try to recover funds from their customers”. However, it is not clear how they will react when it turns out that their clients have already spent the funds transferred. Santander said he could contact people directly to get the money back. (PAP)

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Source: PAP
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