‘Barbie The Album’ Gets Deluxe ‘Best Weekend Ever Edition’ Featuring New Tracks From Brandi Carlile & Ryan Gosling

The original version of the album was released in tandem with Barbie (the movie) on Friday.

Barbie | The Album x Movie (Trailer)

Barbie | The Album x Movie (Trailer)

Courtesy Photo

Barbie The Album officially arrived on Friday (July 21), with a star studded tracklist featuring songs by Nicki Minaj with Ice Spice, Lizzo, Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish and more. But following the film’s theatrical release, also on Friday, the expanded version of the album — titled Barbie The Album (Best Weekend Ever Edition) — now features two additional tracks.

The first new track in the expanded album is a cover of Indigo Girls’ “Closer To Fine” performed by Brandi Carlile alongside wife Catherine Carlile. Ryan Gosling, who performs “I’m Just Ken” in the movie, also gets his cover of Matchbox Twenty’s “Push” added to the soundtrack.

Speaking with Billboard about the creation of the soundtrack album, executive soundtrack producer Mark Ronson scored the album alongside Andew Wyatt. Initially, the pair was mean to score the opening credits, but director Greta Gerwig saw their potential. “They started giving us a few more bits to score at a time,” to the point where “we didn’t want anyone else to touch the music of this film,” he said. “We were like, ‘This is ours!’ It was a ton, ton, ton of work. [The movie] overtook my life for a year, but it was completely worth it.” 

Now, with the release of the film, Atlantic Records executives Kevin Weaver and Brandon Davis  are happy that fans can hear the song — including the deluxe edition tracks — in its designed setting. “These records are all strong enough to live in a world by themselves,” Weaver said. “But what’s so amazing is people are now going to get to experience the songs within the four walls of the film and it’s going to give them a whole new life.” 

Listen to Barbie The Album (Best Weekend Ever Edition) below.

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