Barcelona solved the coaching case

Барселона разреши треньорския казус

Photo: Getty Images / collage: SportLive

Барселона разреши треньорския казус 04 Oct 2021, 22:04 710

The manual on Barcelona has decided to appoint a new coach of the team, but from the summer of 2022, reports El Nacional. The Catalans have reached an oral agreement with Ajax coach Eric ten Haag, who is expected to lead the team from August.

Ten Hague will replace Ronald Koeman, who has been performing very unconvincingly since coming to the Camp Nou. The president of Barcelona, ​​Joan Laporta, wanted to release Kuman right now, but because of the penalties that will arise from his dismissal, he chose to keep him until the summer.

If Kuman is fired now, the Catalans will have to pay him about 13 million euros. The management will still negotiate with Kuman to ease the penalties for his removal from office at the end of the season, when he will have to vacate the place for Ten Haag.

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Among those connected to the coaching post in Barcelona is even Jurgen Klopp ( see details


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Joan Laporta

Eric ten Haag

  • Ronald Koeman
  • Barcelona

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