Barter! Barça and Man United are preparing an exchange

Barcelona is looking for an urgent solution to the problem related to Usman Dembele. At the moment, the Frenchman does not accept the Catalans’ offer to renew the contract and negotiations on this line are going to fail.

Negotiations with Manchester United have started at the Camp Nou, to whip up Dembele after talks with the player failed. The idea of ​​the Blaugranas is to barter with the Red Devils, including his compatriot Anthony Marcial, according to the Spanish newspaper Ara.

Barcelona plans to sell Dembele to United, and the English striker to land with them as a transfer until the end of the season.

It has already become clear that at the “Camp Nou” have to deal with the salary cap in the club. To this end, Dembele had to agree to initial a new contract at a lower salary.

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