“Bauer sucht Frau” candidate Björn: Photo with new girlfriend annoys the fans | BUNTE.de

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Farmer is looking for a wife ” – candidate Björn (32) was able to look forward to many candidates in the last season. There were no more applications for any of the farmers! And yet in the end none of them worked. “With Dani and Katrin it matched more on a friendly level”, Björn later explained to “Bild.de” his relationship to the ladies-in-waiting .

Without TV pressure, the 32-year-old has apparently been broadcasting recently. Björn fell in love with a lawyer while partying in Cologne. “I really hope that there will be something. Because I’m totally crazy,” confessed the farmer in an RTL interview. In his Instagram story, he raved about his new partner and shared a first picture, but only the one Hand of a woman could be seen.

Now farmer Björn has refilled and posted a new recording. It shows him entwined with a brunette woman. He also writes “My Love”. Not much of his love can be seen, however, then the purple knitted hat that Björn wears covers the woman’s face.

You can find out more about the newly in love “Bauer sucht Frau” candidate Björn in the video above.

“Farmer is looking for a wife” -Björn annoys fans: “Then better not post anything!”

Farmer Björn provided another photo of himself and his girlfriend in his Instagram story. On it the record maker can be seen from behind, the friend turns her head to the side, both are wearing hats.

The fans are gradually angry about the farmer’s love-hiding game. “Why so mysterious? Better not post anything!” Complains one. “Don’t fret us and solve your secret!” Demands another. “Will you ever introduce them to us?” Comments another.

So it remains to be seen when farmer Björn finally solves the riddle of his new love.

Farmer is looking for a wife

Bauer sucht Frau

All seasons of the docu-soap on demand

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