Bavaria's Minister of Transport rejects allegations from Tyrol

Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Bavaria is actively and constructively involved in the processing of the ten-point traffic reduction plan adopted in 2019. “In addition, Bavaria is campaigning for numerous relief measures against transit traffic and for shifting to rail,” countered the Bavarian government’s criticism of LH Platter.

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© Thomas Boehm / TT

Munich – Bavaria’s Transport Minister Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) has rejected allegations from Austria in the dispute over the block production of trucks in Tyrol, which is prone to congestion. Bavaria is actively and constructively involved in the processing of the ten-point plan for traffic reduction approved in 2019. “In addition, Bavaria is campaigning for numerous relief measures against transit traffic and for shifting to rail,” says Schreyer in a statement.

“We are doing everything we can to relieve the road and thus contribute to a functioning freight traffic. That’s why the accusation of inaction from Tyrol is completely untenable for me,” emphasized Schreyer.

The Austrian side obviously does not want to see the Bavarian efforts. Tyrol’s governor Günther Platter last had in the Passauer Neue Presse Bavaria and Germany accused of lack of cooperation. The German side is doing too little to curb the extreme volume of trucks on the Brenner route through the Inn Valley.

Platter was reacting to the threat of a lawsuit by the Bavarian CSU parliamentary group before the EU jurisdiction. Bavaria does not consider the block handling, in which only 300 trucks are allowed through per hour and thus provoking long traffic jams in Bavaria, to be legal. (APA/dpa)

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