B+E brokers sale of Boston MSA Domino’s property for $1.9 Million

B+E, the first brokerage and technology platform for net lease real estate, today announced the sale of the Domino’s property located at 71-73 Mammoth Road, Lowell, Massachusetts for $1,900,000.

B+E, the first brokerage and technology platform for net lease real estate, today announced the sale of the Domino’s property located at 71-73 Mammoth Road, Lowell, Massachusetts for $1,900,000.

The NN (double net) property carries a lease term of +/- 10 years. The buyer and seller are individual net lease investors.

“Most investors outside of Massachusetts haven’t heard of Lowell, but the city has a dense population and solid demographics,” says B+E Broker Nolan Johnson. “B+E was able to demonstrate the strength of this market and the deal based on the city’s demographics. Our platform’s wide reach allowed us to connect the seller with the right buyer, quickly and efficiently.”

This Domino’s is operated by J.D. Pizza Inc., a +/- 24-unit Domino’s operator boasting some of the highest grossing locations in Massachusetts with $35M+ in annual revenues. B+E has an additional Domino’s on the market with the same operator and comparable deal details. Click here to download the OM.

For more information, contact Nolan Johnson at njohnson@tradenetlease.com or go to www.tradenetlease.com.

About B+E

B+E is a modern investment brokerage firm, specializing in net lease real estate. The firm helps clients buy and sell single tenant real estate. Founded by deeply experienced brokers, B+E redefines trading through an intuitive end-to-end transaction platform comprising of user-friendly dashboards and an AI-driven exchange — all leveraging the largest data set in the net lease industry.

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