Believes the regulations must be changed: – Will always have to struggle with weight torment

– The regulations must be changed so that we will have some opportunity to reduce the illness we see in rashes in this sport.

This is what Professor Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen says. She works with sports medicine at the Norwegian Sports Academy and has researched women’s health, weight regulation and eating disorders. She says that Maren Lundby does the only thing right when she is over the coming season.

– It is a very mature and sensible decision. The fact that she is honest and open about the reasons is extremely important for top sports. She helps many by being so clear. Maren will always stand as one of the most beautiful role models in women’s sports, says Sundgot-Borgen.

Lundby is honest that it is the weight that makes her not feel that she can compete at the top in this year’s season. Sundgot-Borgen believes that as long as the rules are silk they are in jump today, someone will always struggle.

Maren Lundby står over OL

Maren Lundby cried while she told that she will not be seen in the ski jump this season.

– If you want to perform in jumping at an international level, you must have the right genes that make the body “made” to fit into the regulations. If one does not have it and the regulations remain, an athlete who is genetically not “made” for jumping will always have to struggle with weight pain, says the professor.

The regulations today say that you must have a minimum BMI of 21, and that you are weighed without jumping shoes to get the jumpers to put on weight. If you do not meet the requirements, the skis are cut according to a table to give less hovering surface.

«Somewhere the list must lie»

NRK expert Johan Remen Evensen thinks it is a pity that Maren Lundby will not compete in the ski jump, but believes the regulations as it is now are as good as you get it.

– If you had adjusted the rules for the heavier athletes, it would eventually have been an advantage for the heavier athletes. It would go beyond those who have an optimal body for jumping. With today’s regulations, the worst examples have been removed, Remen Evensen believes.

Throughout history, the jumpers have been criticized for being too thin. In 1999, the whole world was shocked when they saw a picture of the German star jumper Sven Hannawald in swimming trunks. The 183 cm tall jumper weighed only 54 kg.

Remen Evensen himself had to fight to lose weight when he tried to fight at the top of the results list.

Maren Lundby står over OL

NRK expert Johan Remen Evensen.

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix

– I had too much muscle mass, because I had previously done gymnastics, and then I became too heavy. Such is the top sport.

The jumper who in his time set a new world record, compares jumping with other sports such as wrestling and basketball, where both weight and height play an important factor.

– It’s good that Maren is healthy and well, but that does not mean that her body is fit. If one were to change the regulations, others would have struggled to gain weight. The list must be somewhere, says Evensen.

Gave up early

Sundgot-Borgen says that there are many who are in the same situation as Lundby, that you simply have the wrong weight for the sport you do.

– Based on different studies, we see that there are big differences between the sports and the variation is great. Between 10 and 60 percent struggle with weight and / or disturbed eating behavior. It varies from sport to sport, says Sundgot Borgen

– But here we need more research, because what sport puts in measures is not measured, and thus we know not the effect of the measures.

Sports Manager Clas Brede Bråthen acknowledges that the regulations can still be improved.

– We are constantly working to improve our sport, we also do not think that it is optimal as it is today. But we do what we can to improve it, and there is a large system internationally so that fewer people have these challenges, says Bråthen.

NRK’s ​​jumping expert says that in the end it cost too much for him to facilitate, to be at the top, and therefore gave up ski jumping when he was 26 years old.

– Age affects body composition and metabolism and all that, so maybe you see that more people give up earlier in jumping than in other sports, says Remen Evensen.

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