Best autumn stew: Luxurious stroganoff on tenderloin and chanterelles

Autumn and the big stew season are here and what better way than to let a culinary expert suggest their best recipes.

In this series of articles Patrik Brunell helps the editors. Patrik is the food entrepreneur behind Swedish Culinaire Food which has been a great success with its whipped spice butter which has saved many barbecue dinners during the summer.

As Patrik describes, butter has a unique ability to attract new flavors from other ingredients in that the butter contains over 100 natural flavorings.

Food entrepreneur Patrik Brunell (left) with guests waiting for a really luxurious autumn pot. Luxurious and autumnal stroganoff

Patrik’s best autumn tip is a luxurious stroganoff with tenderloin steak and chanterelles. Really good ingredients and of course with a dash of delicious butter that gilds both taste and experience.

The best wine tip for this stroganoff will be a spicy Pinot Noir, District 7 , which with its slightly roasted barrel character fits well (SEK 139 at Systembolaget). If you want to upgrade another level, then Seghesio , a zin fanel, is a favorite of mine that fits this perfectly, concludes Patrik Brunell.

Luxurious stroganoff from Swedish Culinaire Food Ingredients for four people: 400 g Hanged tenderloin in strips (or beef) 1-2 yellow onions 200 g autumn chanterelles or mushrooms 2 dl calf fund (not concentrated) 1 tbsp tomato puree Salt
Pepper dl crème fraîche 1 jar pe rsilja BUTTER – Black garlic and Chipotle

5. Turn on the cream and broth, bring to the boil and sauté with creme fraiche.
6. Remove from the stove and turn the meat over. Press out and cut down 1-2 slices of BUTTER black garlic and chipotle. Then taste with salt and pepper if necessary. (BUTTER is well salted so be a little careful with the usual salt). StroganoffStroganoff Press out and cut a piece of spice butter to get the absolute best taste out of the casserole. (Photo: Patrik Brunell)

7. Place the potatoes or rice on the plate and then the stroganoff. Top extra with BUTTER black garlic or chipotle for desired taste and heat. 8. Sort onion shells and more for recycling and enjoy your stroganoff!

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