Our list of the best smartphones of October 2021.
Nowadays there are a lot of smartphones and it can be something not recently choose the best smartphone quality price. We have therefore chosen to create our buying guide especially for you in an attempt to simplify the choice of your next smartphone. Every month we review new products, smartphone prices vary and therefore we will continue to update this list month by month, dividing them by type and also by price range.
However, it is not a simple list of the best smartphones, but rather a real thoughtful selection of products that we have really tried and not simply of which we have spoken. We only choose products that have received high marks (above 8) and we offer them to you with the best price offers of the moment ( October 2021 ). Then immediately find below a link to all the offers of smartphones on sale from all the stores (and therefore not only the best offer). Before leaving you to the list of the best smartphones we explain how we choose the devices we recommend.
How do we choose smartphones?
Specifically, you will find a list of devices that have received at least 8 votes in our reviews and that in detail are winning as:
- Display : we offer you only excellent displays, with high brightness, beautiful colors and if possible also reduced edges
- Hardware : This item includes many different aspects, such as processor, RAM, audio components and also connectivity
- Autonomy: in this case we choose large batteries, good energy optimization, wireless charging and the fastest possible charging
- Camera : in the field of cameras the battle is increasingly heated. We therefore choose only the best in terms of speed and quality
- Ergonomics: It is also important that the smartphone is easy to use and not too slippery
- Operating system: there are no preferences here, but it is important to analyze what the operating system is inside to understand its advantages and disadvantages
- Software : when we talk about Android we often have many customizations and therefore very different software that it is therefore important to analyze and understand
- Updates : a phone that works well must continue to do so over time and for this reason we also take into account how often they are updated
Which are the best smartphone?
Let us leave you then to our list of the best smartphones , divided by type and price range. o comment space at the end of this long list of smartphones is obviously open to your suggestions and advice.
- Best budget smartphone (below i 100 €)
- Best low-end smartphone (under € 200)
- Best mid-range smartphone (under € 500)
- Best high-end smartphone
- Best Android smartphone
- Best Chinese smartphone
- Best dual SIM smartphone
- Best smartphone for photo / camera
- Best smartphone battery / autonomy
- Best smartphone of 2020
We then also have a selection of smartphones divided by brand that we will expand in the coming months:
- Best Samsung smartphones
- Best Xiaomi smartphones
Best cheap smartphone (under 100 €)
In the € 100 smartphone range there are usually extremely cheap products. When you go to buy a product that costs so little it is important to remember that you will have to make compromises and that you cannot think of spending so little and at the same time having all the best as for a top of the range. If you want to discover other economic models we advise you to also look at the lists related to smartphones Android and those Chinese .
Realme C21

With the inclusion of this Realme C21 we break a rule: smartphone only with a grade higher than eight. But for this figure it is difficult for you to find better. Consider that by increasing the budget by even a few tens of euros, you will find much better smartphones, but if you cannot spend more than € 100 this smartphone will defend itself and give you some satisfactions.
- Review Realme C21
- Realme C21 Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 97 € (eBay) – 103 € (Amazon)
Best low-end smartphone (under € 300)
We created this section from 150 € because it was one of your biggest requests, but the same considerations made for the € 100 range apply here too. The products you can buy here will never offer you great performance and often you don’t have to aim too high when expecting camera speed or goodness. However, it is also worth saying that € 50 compared to the previous category makes the difference and often in this range we find smartphones for about € 200, discounted by the various stores under € 150. If you can spend this extra money then go for it. If you want to evaluate other smartphones you can go up in the range or look at all smartphones Android or Chinese .
Redmi Note 9T

Still once the economic brand of Xiaomi, or Redmi, churned out another really interesting smartphone. We are talking about Redmi Note 9T, a smartphone with a large display with a hole in the camera, a huge battery (which guarantees exceptional duration) and a software (based on MIUI) that is always complete and rich in features, which users will discover even after a long time.
- Review Redmi Note 9T
- Technical data sheet Redmi Note 9T
- PURCHASE: 199 € (eBay ) – 254 € (Amazon) – All prices
Realme 8

Nella recensione abbiamo detto come Realme 8 ci sia piaciuto ancora più della versione Pro. La ragione è semplice: l’aver deciso di non seguire le mode del momento, ovvero il 5G e il refresh rate aumentato del display, gli hanno permesso di tenere il prezzo decisamente contenuto. Ed è uno smartphone concreto, con un buon display, un software completo e un’eccellente autonomia. Nella fascia di prezzo offre poi anche la ricarica rapida a 30W.
- Recensione Realme 8
- Scheda tecnica Realme 8
- ACQUISTO: 174€ (eBay) – 199€ (Amazon) – Tutti i prezzi
Motorola Moto G 5G

Questo Moto G 5G è indubbiamente un eccellente smartphone di fascia media da parte di Motorola. Si tratta di uno smartphone dal display molto ampio e godibile, dall’ottima fotocamera principale, completo (non manca il jack audio, l’NFC o la memoria espandibile) e soprattutto dotato di una autonomia eccellente, grazie alle ottimizzazioni software e alla grande batteria.
- Recensione Motorola Moto G 5G
- Scheda tecnica Motorola Moto G 5G
- ACQUISTO: 247€ (Amazon) – 329€ (Motorola)
POCO M3 Pro 5G

POCO M3 Pro 5G è uno smartphone molto completo, nonostante il prezzo comunque contenuto. Il design è moderno, lo schermo è un buon pannello a 90 Hz, le fotocamere sono comunque valida e l’hardware è molto potente, considerando il prezzo, abilitando questo smartphone POCO (by Xiaomi) anche alla connettività 5G.
- Recensione POCO M3 Pro
- Scheda tecnica POCO M3 Pro
- ACQUISTO: 249€ (Amazon) – 279€ (eBay) – Tutti i prezzi
Redmi Note 10 Pro

Ancora un altro sorprendente smartphone da Xiaomi. Il brand è Redmi ma la qualità è quella di Xiaomi. Un hardware di livello e un software estremamente fluido: questo è quello che troverete dentro questo Redmi Note 10 Pro. E anche display e fotocamere non vi deluderanno, considerando la fascia di prezzo.
- Recensione Redmi Note 10 Pro
- Scheda tecnica Redmi Note 10 Pro
- ACQUISTO: 249€ (Xiaomi) – 275€ (Amazon)
Best mid-range smartphone (under € 500)
The range under € 300 is obviously a of the most popular, and it is important to remember that in this price range we always find only Android smartphones, since to have an iPhone you still have to go up in price (and not a little). If the selection below is not enough for you, we invite you to also consult the list of the best smartphones Android .
OnePlus North CE

OnePlus stands out first of all for its clean design and modern and for its rich but “classic” software. It’s this one core edition of OnePlus Nord is not far behind. Slightly more compact than average, with a nice 90 Hz display, powerful hardware and still more than good autonomy.
- OnePlus North CE Review
- OnePlus North CE data sheet
- PURCHASE: 329 € (Amazon)
Realme GT Master Edition

Samsung Galaxy A52

Galaxy A52 is something new for Samsung and that’s good for everyone. In fact, the smartphone integrates a series of new technologies that had never been seen in this price range. Let’s talk for example about the waterproofness, the AMOLED screen with 90 Hz refresh rate and also the optical stabilization of the main camera, which helps to take even better photos than in the past.
- Samsung Galaxy A52 Review
- Samsung Galaxy data sheet A52
- PURCHASE: 364 € (Amazon) – 367 € (ePRICE) – All prices

POCO F3 is certainly one of the best smartphones launched by Xiaomi in recent years. The POCO brand is synonymous with concreteness. An extremely powerful smartphone, with very complete hardware at a very competitive price. This is precisely the definition of POCO F3.
- Review POCO F3
- Technical data sheet POCO F3
- PURCHASE: 369 € (Amazon)
OnePlus Nord 2
OnePlus with Nord 2 has certainly hit the mark. A very complete smartphone that for the first time in this price range also brings a real top-of-the-range camera. Do not miss the 90 Hz screen and also the super fast charging at 65W. The price remains very low, as per tradition, also thanks to the choice of the new processor.
- OnePlus Nord 2 Review
- OnePlus Nord 2 data sheet
- PURCHASE: 399 € (Amazon)
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE

In 2020 if you want a top-of-the-range smartphone without spending a fortune, this S20 FE is undoubtedly one of the best proposals on the market. It offers much of what S20 smartphones offer, with a more powerful processor and better battery life. It loses some “gems” but remains a powerful and concrete smartphone.
- Samsung Galaxy S20 FE Review
- Samsung Galaxy S20 FE Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 441 € (Amazon) – 449 € (ePRICE) – All prices
OnePlus 8T

OnePlus is back again in this ranking of the best smartphones with a product that finally aims again at concreteness. A top of the range in all respects, with a flat display (which will delight many) and hardware that does not look bad at all.
- OnePlus 8T Review
- OnePlus 8T data sheet
- PURCHASE: 499 € (OnePlus) – 555 € (Amazon)
iPhone SE
iPhone SE in the 2020 version is undoubtedly the most interesting iPhone of 2020, with a much lower price than the competition, but still offering many ideas from the real top of the range, such as wireless charging, waterproofing stability, eSIM support, Wi-Fi and LTE support as well as many years of updates. However, consider the small size of the display which for many could be a limit.
- iPhone SE Review
- iPhone SE Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 497 € (Amazon)
Best high-end smartphone
And then we come to the fa high wake, or that of the top of the range, with prices starting at around € 500 and easily breaking through the € 1000. Fortunately, below we will indicate the online purchase price and for this reason you will still be able to save something.
Xiaomi 11T Pro
This Pro model from Xiaomi’s 11T family is also extremely good. At a decidedly more accessible price than the various premium solutions, Xiaomi has brought a truly valid smartphone to the market. Excellent processor (and lots of power), 5G support, 108 megapixel camera and above all a 120W recharge, never seen before on a smartphone.
- Xiaomi 11T Pro Review
- Xiaomi 11T Pro data sheet
- PURCHASE: 649 € (Amazon) – 649 € (Xiaomi)
Apple iPhone 12

iPhone 12 is the predecessor of iPhone 13. It is a complete, beautiful smartphone and also available in many colors. The price has obviously dropped over time, but it’s still a great smartphone. They improve the cameras, improve the autonomy and improve the overall hardware of the smartphone.
- Apple iPhone 12 review
- Data sheet Apple iPhone 12
- PURCHASE: 769 € (eBay) – 826 € (Amazon)
ASUS Zenfone 8

Perhaps someone could misjudge this smartphone if they were to do so only by looking at it from the aesthetics. This is because its very compact size does not really allow you to understand how powerful this little gem from ASUS is. Snapdragon 888 processor, very fast memories, waterproofness and a beautiful AMOLED display with increased refresh rate. All at a low price anyway.
- ASUS Zenfone 8 Review
- ASUS Zenfone 8 Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 699 € (ASUS eStore)
ASUS ROG Phone 3

Also in 2020 the top gaming phone from ASUS is also an excellent smartphone in absolute sense. It is not a product for everyone, especially when it comes to size and design, but its characteristics far exceed those of many other competitors. Let’s talk for example about its 144 Hz display, the new fast charging or audio control system: no other smartphone can boast a similar one.
- ASUS ROG Phone 3 Review
- ASUS ROG Phone 3 Data Sheet
OnePlus 9 Pro

OnePlus with this 9 Pro confirms itself as a smartphone worthy of being in the category premium of smartphones . Thanks to the collaboration with Hasselblad, she has also managed to significantly improve the quality of her shots, also thanks to new cameras. In addition, the excellent QHD + screen remains, the water resistance and new fast charging technologies are added, both wired and wireless.
- OnePlus 9 Pro Review
- OnePlus 9 Pro Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 858 € (Amazon)
ASUS ROG Phone 5
Another ASUS gaming phone that it is also an excellent smartphone. Sure, the design won’t be for everyone, but what this smartphone offers is in many ways unmatched by the competition. Let’s talk, for example, about the audio power, the cooling systems, the display with a very high refresh rate and very high touch sampling. An exaggerated smartphone at an honest price. Also available in Pro and Ultimate version.
- ASUS ROG Phone 5 Review
- ASUS ROG Phone 5 Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 899 € (ASUS)
Expensive but great. This is the new category smartphone premium of OPPO. The design is unique and all the best technologies of the rising star of mobile technology are contained inside. Great cameras, excellent display and true smartphone hardware that doesn’t want to give up anything. And the software is also completely renewed: the new ColorOS is one of the most beautiful discoveries of recent years.
- OPPO Find X3 Pro Review
- OPPO Find X3 Pro Data Sheet
- PURCHASE: 899 € (Amazon) – 997 € (ePRICE) – All prices
Apple iPhone 13
iPhone 13 in 2021 is undoubtedly an extremely interesting smartphone, because it is essentially almost on par with the Pro model, to which it leaves only some minor differences and which for many can hardly justify the outlay of others € 250. Better to aim for this, more concrete and finally at the top on every front: display, cameras, build quality and software.
- Apple iPhone 13 Review
- Apple iPhone 13 data sheet
- PURCHASE: 939 € ( Amazon) – 939 € (MediaWorld)
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra è un vero top di gamma a tutti gli effetti, partendo dal design completamente rinnovato e ora anche iconico. Si tratta di uno smartphone molto potente, finalmente con una discreta autonomia, uno schermo perfetto (che si aggiorna fra 11 e 120 Hz) e delle fotocamere imbattibili. In questo comparto S21 Ultra offre una doppia combinazione di zoom, una 3x e una 10x, mai implementata prima in uno smartphone.
- Recensione Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
- Scheda tecnica Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
- ACQUISTO: 1060€ (eBay) – 1149€ (Amazon) – Tutte le offerte
Miglior smartphone Android
Il mondo degli smartphone Android è decisamente vastissimo e offre ormai così tanti prodotti che sceglierne uno potrebbe causare forti giramenti di testa. È per questo che da ormai molti anni curiamo una pagina dove segnaliamo tutti i migliori smartphone Android, per qualsiasi fascia di prezzo (da sotto i 100€ a sopra i 1000€), con la stessa cura che trovate nella pagina che state leggendo in questo momento.
Il mondo degli smartphone Android è molto ampio e scegliere il migliore potrebbe non essere semplice. Solitamente gli smartphone sotto i 200€ offrono un’esperienza d’uso abbastanza semplice, ma comunque accettabile mentre nella fascia centrale (quella della fascia media) troviamo di tutto, da smartphone economici ma potenti, passando per i top di gamma cinesi più economici e arrivando fino agli ex-top di gamma degli anni precedenti, ormai scesi di prezzo. Trovate tutte le nostre indicazioni nell’articolo dedicato:
Miglior smartphone cinese
Al giorno d’oggi la definizione di smartphone cinese non è semplice. Se cercate semplicemente dei dispositivi prodotti in Cina (come OPPO o Xiaomi) potete guardare direttamente nella categoria dei migliori smartphone Android. Per smartphone cinesi noi intendiamo quei prodotti che non hanno una distribuzione ufficiale nel nostro paese e per cui quindi si deve ricorrere alle importazioni parallele. In realtà in questo insieme troviamo anche dispositivi che non hanno una distribuzione ufficiale, ma che comunque potrete acquistare comodamente su Amazon, potendo quindi godere della sua fantastica assistenza. Trovate tutta la nostra selezione dei migliori smartphone cinesi nell’articolo apposito:
Miglior smartphone dual SIM
Gli smartphone dual SIM sono ormai una realtà consolidata e non sono più necessariamente solo dei prodotti di nicchia per pochi. Anzi, spesso e volentieri tanti smartphone sono ormai degli smartphone dual SIM senza che l’utente finale ne sia a conoscenza. Se volete sapere quindi quali di questi dispositivi è dotato di supporto dual SIM potrete consultare così la nostra guida, per scoprire anche quali hanno un doppio slot e quali invece lo condividono con la microSD, obbligandovi poi a scegliere fra la seconda SIM e la memoria espandibile. Aggiungiamo poi che oltre a quella lista potrete anche considerare i nuovi iPhone come smartphone dual SIM, quando gli operatori però decideranno di adottare anche in Italia lo standard eSIM, al momento funzionante solo su Apple Watch. Per analizzare la nostra lista dei migliori smartphone dual SIM potete seguire il link a seguire:
Miglior smartphone per foto / fotocamera
È indubbio che uno dei campi dove è in atto la maggiore battaglia sia quello relativo alle fotocamere. Nel mondo degli smartphone è infatti difficile ottenere ottime fotocamere e il miglioramento in questo campo è sensibile anno dopo anno e questo anche perché c’è ancora molto margine di miglioramento nel settore fotografico. Ci sono smartphone che ormai riescono a fare buone foto anche nella fascia più bassa, ma indubbiamente è nella fascia alta che la battaglia si fa più accesa.
Sicuramente il fattore principale per scegliere uno smartphone con una buona fotocamera è la qualità fotografica, ma non è tutto. Sempre parlando di pura qualità si dovrà infatti tenere conto anche della qualità della fotocamera frontale (o selfie camera) sempre più importante e della qualità nella registrazione video, e non solo quindi della sua risoluzione. In più negli ultimi anni è dilagata la mania delle fotocamere multiple, che non è però solo una moda. Una fotoc amera in addition can in fact enable wide-angle shots, or optical zoom. In addition, the goodness of the software and its functionalities must also be considered, since often the creative possibilities of the smartphone camera are a very important point of this topic.
Find all the best smartphones for taking pictures in the following link:
Best smartp hone battery / autonomy
If you work a lot or are simply often far from a power outlet, there is no doubt that the need to have a “solid” battery that can always take you to the end of the day is very important. In the same way there are also smartphones that with certain types of use can achieve two days of autonomy and in some rare cases even 3. But then why settle for smartphones to be charged after lunch if you can choose smartphones that guarantee you far greater autonomy?
In this selection we have also included smartphones that have cutting-edge charging technologies and therefore guarantee long autonomy with very short charging periods. It will be up to you to choose your favorite, also selecting from those equipped with wireless charging. Find all the best smartphones for autonomy in the following selection:
Best smartphone of 2020
If you want to find out which were the best smartphones of last year you can do it through our page where we have elected the best smartphones of 2020, as well as the best smartphones for camera, design, innovation and gaming of 2020. These are the 2020 end-of-year awards that we have given to smartphones together with you, thus assigning two prizes for each category. Find all rewards below:
If you are looking for products instead different from the classic Android smartphones here are some alternatives:
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