Betssy Chávez, new Minister of Labor [PROFILE]

The congresswoman for Tacna, Betssy Chávez , will assume the Work and Employment Promotion portfolio after the departure of Iber Maraví, questioned by his alleged link with terrorist acts in Ayacucho in 1980.

Betssy Chávez is one of the moderate voices within the ruling party of Free Peru. A few days ago, a chat was known that showed the disputes inside the bench . Even her colleague Silvana Robles asked her to resign.

Despite the information known in recent chats, she expressed that she was still looking for the unit. “All the congressmen on the bench have met, there are discrepancies, I have discrepancies not from now, from a long time ago, but the discrepancies are not a sign of rupture. On the contrary, I believe that each bench has discrepancies, but we have to move forward “Betssy Chávez told the press.

She insisted that” we are not going to resign, the discrepancies are part of the political organizations, we have to strengthen ourselves, it does not merit a break. I am from a dissenting position, even if they tell me to resign, I will not resign. “


Betssy Chávez is 31 years old and spent five years in Congress as an advisor, technician and assistant. Now he is a member of the Constitution and Justice commissions.

The legislator is Lawyer from the Jorge Basadre National University and has a master’s degree in Constitutional Law from the José Carlos Mariátegui University.

PODCAST RPP | President Castillo allows discrepancies between ministers, affirms political scientist Paula Távara

Távara said that in the Cabinet there is a most extreme group of Peru Libre, another from the teaching profession, the moderate ones and some who have not finished their placement.

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