Béziers: condemned for sexual assault on his nieces of 8 and 10 years, the defendant declares “we were having fun”

Going back about thirty years, the facts were denounced in 2001.

“We were having fun. I put my hands in her panties, it was nothing sexual.” The man who said these words was sentenced to three years in prison with a two-year probationary suspension. He was registered in the national sex offender file (Fijais) and will have to compensate his victims for all their damages. The latter were three in number: his nieces and a friend. And when the case began in 2017, a judicial investigation was opened for rape. To be judged more quickly, the facts were reclassified as sexual assault with the consent of the victims. Faced with the criminal court of Béziers, this inhabitant of Tourbes denies any aggression. However, the young children who have become women keep their words. other”Two expert reports confirm that there is no fabrication and no lie on the part of the three girls. “I do not recognize the assaults because it does not happen. I may have had a wandering hand, but nothing else. I may have put my hand on her sex , but without bad intention “, he dares to maintain before the judges and one of the victims who had the courage to come and face his executioner. The latter finally puts forward a theory that will justify such accusations. “It is a plot on the part of my nieces so that I do not receive my inheritance.” Married for the first time, he divorced. Then he “offered” a young Moroccan woman. He didn’t keep her because she refused to meet all of his sexual desires. He got rid of it. Despite all its efforts, the court will not succeed in obtaining an explanation, or even a suspicion of acknowledgment of the facts.

“He allowed himself to do unacceptable acts”

Three little girls give the same version. They are marked for life. And this man has not done the slightest bit of work on him. We are no further ahead than start of the procedure “, insists Me Saez for a victim. Me Vial Bondon, who also defends one of the young girls who came to hear the debates: “This trial is that of the liberation of speech, but also that of the recognition of the words of the victims. has been fighting since 2001 to have these facts recognized She was not helped by her parents The school was failing throughout. She was 10 years old at the time of the facts. And today we have understood the little consideration he has for women. I believe her. I ask you to assess her condition in the light of all her suffering. “ Me Fernandez pleaded for the release of his client. “The question today is doubt. We only have statements. We cannot say that there was any behavior moved. He is not a sexual pervert and I am not pleading conspiracy. I maintain that there is some doubt in this matter. “

“They were sex objects”

“There is no doubt about the facts. The multiplicity of facts is there. These little ones, like his” wife “from Morocco , were only sexual objects. He satisfied his desires on little ones because they could not escape. The adult, she opposed. Today, we are going to judge facts which are almost 30 years old. We must ask ourselves the question of the meaning of sending him to prison. We must first of all recognize the victims. This will be one of the reparations. “ Four years of detention were required with a probationary suspension.

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