‘Bigg Boss 5’ Tamil to go live with the highest number of contestants till now

The ‘Bigg Boss 5’ reality show’s Tamil version hosted by Kamal Haasan is all set to premiere today evening at 6.30 pm. It has now been reported that this season will contain the most number of contestants compared to all the previous four editions.

According to sources, there are about 21 contestants of ‘Bigg Boss 5’ who have been selected and quarantined. Out of them, 18 will be entering the house tonight while in the past seasons only 16 have gone inside on the first day. It said that the other three will later be wild card entries.

Today’s entrants on ‘Bigg Boss 5’ will surely include these names according to the same sources which are Ghana musician Isaivani, Raju Jayamohan, Madhumitha, Abhishek Raja, Akshara Reddy, Namita Marimuthu, Priti Sanjeev, Priyanka VJ, Jacqueline Fernandez, Suzanne George, Mila, Nizhalgal Ravi, Priya Raman, Sunita Gagoi, Pavani Reddy, Gopinath Ravi, and Nirup. Nadia Chang and Santhosh Pratap are the other two contestants who will be introduced later. Stay tuned for more updates as the most popular show on Tamil television unveils later today

Gaana Isaivani

Raju Jeyamohan


Abhisek Raja

Akshara Reddy

Namitha Marimuthu

Preetha Sanjeev

Priyanka VJ

Nizhalgal Ravi

Pavani Reddy

Gobinath Ravi

Nirup Nandakumar

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