The second round of the 2022 FIM SuperEnduro World Championship took place in Hungary this weekend, and it was again Billy Bolt with the best score at the end of the night. The event is determined by the combined score in three premier main events, and Bolt put together a 2-1-1. The two American hopefuls were Colton Haaker and Cody Webb–they had moments of brilliance but couldn’t put together three solid performances. Haaker ended up fourth with a 4-4-2 score, and Webb went 5-6-7.

Overall Event Classification

1. Billy Bolt (Husqvarna) 60 pts; 2. Taddy Blazusiak 50 pts; 3. Jonny Walker (Beta) 46 pts; 4. Colton Haaker (Husqvarna) 45 pts…

Prestige Race 1

1. Taddy Blazusiak (GASGAS) 10 laps, 6:56.233; 2. Billy Bolt (Husqvarna) 7:03.984; 3. Jonny Walker (Beta) 7:05.532; 4. Colton Haaker (Husqvarna) 7:38.243…

middle content two stroke

Prestige Race 2

1. Billy Bolt (Husqvarna) 10 laps, 6:48.249; 2. Taddy Blazusiak (GASGAS) 6:51.995; 3. Jonny Walker (Beta) 6:52.130; 4. Colton Haaker (Husqvarna) 7:28.168…

Prestige Race 3

1. Billy Bolt (Husqvarna) 10 laps, 6:48.474; 2. Colton Haaker (Husqvarna) 6:58.673; 3. Jonny Walker (Beta) 7:04.079; 4. Taddy Blazusiak (GASGAS) 7:04.456…


1Billy BOLT12332020203172020
2Colton HAAKER8821317112131317
3Jonny WALKER871115151151515
4Taddy BLAZUSIAK8615813201713
5William HOARE50998879
6Diogo VIEIRA497599811
7Manuel LETTENBICHLER481171317
8Cody WEBB445111198
9Tim APOLLE423777117
10Diego HERRERA2544566
11Pol TARRES20866
12Magnus THOR13634

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