Bipar Sanskar Explained by Dr. Kanwaljit Singh | Discussion Hosted by Samvad

Samwad, a discussion forum, has released a draft to trigger debate on determining the future course of Sikh struggle as per the Panthic tradition and principles. The document was released on 6 June, 2020 at Takht Kesgarh Sahib, Sri Anandpur Sahib.

A message at the beginning of the document says: [s]n 23 Jeth, 547 Nanakshahi (June 6, 2015 ), Bhai Daljit Singh released a draft document in order to spark a process of thought and discussion to move the Khalsa Panth towards Khalsa Jee Ke Bol Baalay. With Satguru Jee’s bakhshish (blessing), the Samvad initiative was guided by that document’s vision and has worked for the chardikala of the Khalsa Panth over the past five years by facilitating critical discussions and internal development.

In order to chart out the next phase of this process, some panth dardis gathered at Sri Anandpur Sahib during the Hola Mohalla jor mela this year to engage in self-reflection and discuss future steps. The essence of that discussion is now being presented to the Khalsa Panth for feedback so that we can develop a collective strategy going forward.

This document is a set of proposed guiding principles based on the limited intellect of some panth dardi. It is not intended to be a final or definitive conclusion. We request the bright minds of the Khalsa Panth to share their valuable thoughts with the GurSangat so that we can build the path forward and collectively work towards Khalsa Jee Ke Bol Baalay.

In order to explain certain terms and concepts used in the document, Samvad has started a series of discussions. First discussion was held online on the topic of “Bipar Sanskar” on July 25, 2020. In this discussion, Dr. Sikandar Singh (Sri Guru Granth Sahib University, Fatehgarh Sahib) and Dr. Kanwaljit Singh (Principal, Sri Guru Angad Dev College, Khadoor Sahib) shared their views on this topic.

This is video recording of presentation made by Dr. Kanwaljit Singh.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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