Bitcoin wallet Samourai integrates Taproot to its new update

Key facts:
  • Samourai enables BTC shipments to Taproot’s P2TR addresses.

  • The wallet optimizes your user experience to use privacy tools.

Samourai, Bitcoin wallet recognized for its privacy features, updated its software allowing from now on sending funds to P2TR or Taproot addresses, the most recent protocol update.

However, still does not allow generating P2TR addresses to receive transactions , to Difference from other wallets like Muun , which was one of the first to implement Taproot in your software.

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Additionally, Samourai made improvements to the Whirlpool GUI, an internal tool that mixes the bitcoins (BTC) of the user to provide greater privacy and less traceability in the blockchain.

Samourai Wallet v0.99.98 has been released!

– Major Whirlpool UI changes
– Send to taproot addresses (P2TR)
– Style and consistency updates
– Bug fixes and refactoring
– Much more

Download from Google Play, Direct APK, or F-Droid here pic.twitte

– Samourai Wallet (@SamouraiWallet) December 28, 2021

Samourai’s privacy features are considered cutting edge in the Bitcoin ecosystem, to the point that other wallets, such as Sparrow Wallet, have implemented their solutions.

CriptoNoticias reported this month December how Sparrow implemented the CoinJoin solution , which allows the user’s bitcoins to be mixed collaboratively with other users. They also started tests for PayNym, a system that allows you to hide wallet addresses under a human-readable pseudonym.

We also report that, for its part, RoninDojo (a company associated with Samourai) released new hardware to run a Bitcoin node for newbies , plug-and-play (connect and use), now available for sale in the United States.


Why is adoption of Taproot important ?

The adoption of Taproot by Samourai (or any other wallet) It is not a minor fact.

Taproot, as CriptoNoticias has reported in several publications, grants several benefits to Bitcoin One of the most obvious has to do with privacy, by making multi-signature and single-signature transactions look indistinguishable in a blockchain explorer .

For the benefits of Taproot to become widespread, it is necessary that the same happens with its adoption . Each constituent part of the Bitcoin ecosystem should support this update, including but not limited to wallets, nodes, exchanges, and custody platforms.

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