Black Angel: Nurse pleads innocent accused of killing 8 babies

He is charged with killing five boys and three girls at work.

He is charged with killing five boys and three girls at work.

Lucy Letby worked in the neonatal ward at Chester Hospital in Wales for more than a year, during which time infant mortality soared and the hospital launched an investigation. The nurse was arrested in July 2018. hospital, he was suspected of dying 17 newborns. The 31-year-old nurse is charged with killing eight babies and ten more murder escorts. According to a report by the local press , Lucy’s case was heard in Manchester Crown Court on Monday, where the young nurse pleaded not guilty. Allegedly, the nurse killed five boys and three girls An internal examination of the hospital revealed that doctors cited heart and lung failure as the cause of premature death, which made it impossible to resuscitate the children.

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