“Blackout” of networks affects companies and drops sales in Cuiabá

The global blackout of social networks this Monday (4) affected many businesses in Cuiabá, especially those that use social networks for sales and bookings.

The drop occurred around 11:40 am and until 4:15 pm the problem had not yet been resolved.

At Salão do Miguel – which performs men’s haircuts and beards – the news came through the customers, who got in touch as soon as couldn’t communicate through Whatsapp.

“It’s making a very significant impact. There was a vulture here”, commented João Bispo de Almeida, 57, hairdresser at the salon.

The establishment reports having lost customers this Monday.

It’s having a very significant impact. There was a vulture here

The Body Shop sales manager, Isabella Pangonis, 24, also complained about the inconvenience.

“I’m waiting a client responds and I can’t talk to her”, she says, reporting one of the problems she faced.

Isabella explains that social networks have become an indispensable tool in everyday work, so much so. that the platforms went down, she and the employees noticed.

“With online sales you can’t blink that the person loses interest. It’s not like being on a store floor”, he says.

Some platforms are used to promote products and promotions, others to have direct contact with the customer. “With Whatsapp we work a lot via delivery. So we’re kind of stuck without it.”

For the manager, currently the sales by call is something directed to specific customers. “We’re going to make a call and the person can be working, they can be busy. With the message, she can see it later.”

The situation is especially complicated in the case of online commerce. At the Ádanis Queiroz store, for example, the impact was direct.

“Since our store is online, the biggest service channel is Whatsapp, both for sending photos and for contacting customers and deliverymen”, explains Leandro Guimarães Taveiros, 30, one of the owners.

Disorders range from having calls refused by customers who do not know the number, to not being able to send delivery locations, causing delays , or the loss of orders placed exclusively by the platforms.

“It certainly generates losses, due to the delivery process”, says Leandro. He explains that the customer can be irritated with a possible delay, thus increasing the level of withdrawal of orders.

“This indirectly. Directly, whether we like it or not, we end up not serving those who would be available only at that time and end up not selling as much.”

So far, there is no forecast for the platforms to return.


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