Blockade party for Donkey, “triple-double” for Donchic, Dallas “survives” match against “Thunder” and wins third game in a row (VIDEO)

Beginning / Basketball / block party, Donchic’s “triple-double”, Dallas “survives” match against “Thunder” and wins third game in a row (VIDEO)

Kristaps Porziņģis Photo: Kevin Jairaj / USA Today Sports

Last night at the National Basketball Association (NBA) Kristaps Porziņģis, the Dallas “Mavericks” played 104: 102 against the Oklahoma City Thunder

Although Mavs led the whole match, reaching 22 points in the third quarter, the end of the game was not easy at all, as at one point the opponent was able to approach up to one accurate shot distance. Dallas’ nerves proved strong, with the team holding the lead and celebrating their third victory in a row.

Porziņģis spent 27 minutes in the square and 33 seconds with 13 points, eight rebounds, one pass, one interception and four block throws

Top score with 20 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists were Luka Doncičs, Dorian Finley-Smith scored 17 points and ten balls under the baskets. Shay Guildes-Alexander fired 34 points at the opponent’s unit.

With 25 wins in 44 games “Mavs Takes fifth place in the Western Conference. The team will play the next game on the night of January 20 at 3:30 Latvian time against Toronto “Raptors”

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