BlueStacks X: a spectacular free and cloud emulator for Android games

BlueStacks is one of the best known emulators to be able to enjoy Android on our PC, Windows or Mac. The company now takes a leap further with BluetStacks X, a spectacular cloud browser to play Android installments . As the games are in the cloud, it is not necessary to download them, so we can enjoy them on PC, mobile or tablet.

We are going to tell you how this emulator works since, in our tests, the performance has been excellent. It is a great alternative to play Android games on the PC or, why not, on the mobile itself without having to download anything.

A great Android cloud game emulator

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BlueStacks is still one of the most popular Android emulators for PC, but now a new project is starting in beta: BlueStacks X. an Android game emulator that works in the cloud, so we can access it from any device . To use it, we only have to access its website and start any of the games it has included.

Being an emulator in the cloud you do not have to download any game on your mobile, everything works through the internet

These games work 100% online, so they require an internet connection. If we are connected, we can play from iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, Windows, Linux, Android and any device that has access to Google Chrome and Safari , the supported browsers by the browser.

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The operation is outstanding despite being a beta version. We can play in full screen at a very good resolution , control the game either through the keyboard itself or through the mouse, since it understands its touches as if it were the Android touch input. In our experience, connected to symmetrical 300Mb fiber optics via 5GHz WiFi, we have not had a trace of lag or slowdowns.

Los cinco mejores emuladores de Android para PC

Currently , has a list of 14 games , although more will be added to the list in the future. The emulator is completely translated into Spanish and, in each game that we play, we will be able to save the progress, since we will log in to the game’s own account or to our Google account. Without a doubt, a more than interesting project to keep track of.

More information | BlueStacks

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