BMW unveils its color-changing car

BMW unveiled its color-changing car at CES 2022. In the new vehicle, the color of the car can change with the touch of a single button by the driver.

BMW, renk değiştiren otomobilini tanıttıThe company is Amazon’s Kindle He says that he gives life to the car body with the body coating specially developed for the fully electric iX SUV model, which uses the same technology as its e-reader. )The driver can change the shade of the car’s exterior at the touch of a button, activating the electronic ink in the wrapped shell, allowing the color to be black, white or between light and dark stripes.

BMW “You decide what you want to wear and how your car will look,” said Stella Clarke of ) Clarke, the technology they developed; He added that it can also be used by the driver to locate the car or to display the battery capacity of the vehicle.According to the information given by BMW, The discoloration is created by applying an electrical charge to microcapsules containing white and black pigment particles suspended in a liquid. The color changes depending on the application of a negative or positive charge and causes the collection of white or black pigments on the surface of the microcapsule.

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