Boeing opens 767BCF refurbishment project in China in 22 years in Guangzhou

On September 28, local time, Boeing refurbished the 767-300BCF (Boeing Converted Freighter), which converts a passenger plane 767 into a freighter, to GAMECO (Guangzhou Flying Machinery Restoration Process Co., Ltd.) in Guangzhou, China. Announced that it will open two lines in 2022. GAMECO is equipped with a 737-800BCF repair line that diverts the 737, and will be the first MRO (maintenance / repair / overhaul) company that supports the repair of both models.

Start renovation business in China 767-300BCF (Boeing) Provided by)

The 767-300BCF is a passenger aircraft that was operated as a passenger aircraft Boeing refurbishes into a freighter. Repairs such as adding a large door to the front left side of the “main deck”, which is the passenger cabin, will bring the cruising range to about 3300 nautical miles (6111.6 kilometers) and the cargo capacity to about 51 tons.

Boeing expects 1720 passenger-to-freighter refurbishment demand over the next 20 years. Of these, 520 are wide-body aircraft such as the 767, and it is estimated that more than 40% will be destined for Asia.

GAMECO is the first to have a 767-300BCF refurbishment line in China. GAMECO started operation of the 737-800BCF repair line in October 2020, and announced plans to add a third repair line in February this year.

Related Links
Freighters ( Boeing)

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Boeing forecast for retired aircraft to 5% or more year with new corona, 777 BCF plan for strong cargo (February 26, 2009)
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Cargo aircraft celebrating its 15th anniversary Photo special feature ・ ANA Cargo 767-300F (August 27, 2017)

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