Boldy James in ‘Stable Condition’ After Serious Car Accident inDetroit

The rapper was in critical condition and underwent “extensive” surgery for the injuries he sustained in the accident.

Boldy James

Boldy James performs at the Warfield on Feb. 1, 2022 in San Francisco, California.Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images

Boldy James was involved in an accident that left him in critical condition earlier this week, Griselda Records confirms. The rapper underwent “extensive” surgery and is currently in stable condition.


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James was in a “serious two-car accident” in his hometown of Detroit on Monday (Jan. 9), the record label says.

“Boldy arrived at the hospital in critical condition, suffering from broken vertebrae in his neck and orthopedic injuries,” a statement released on Saturday reads. “After undergoing extensive surgery on his neck, Boldy has been removed from the intensive care unit and is now in stable condition.”

“Boldy and his family would like to express their gratitude to the incredible doctors and nurses that are taking care of him, and also to the communities’ emergency personnel and first responders,” the statement says.

The prolific rapper, who’s collaborated with the Alchemist on several prior projects, released four albums in 2022: Killing Nothing with Real Bad Man, Fair Exchange No Robbery with Nicholas Craven, Mr. Ten08 with Futurewave and Be That as It May with Cuns. Last year, he also opened for Earl Sweatshirt and Action Bronson‘s co-headlining ÑBA Leather World Tour. James previously said he has a forthcoming album featuring unreleased work from the late J Dilla.

“My brother is gonna come back 10 times stronger,” the Alchemist wrote on Instagram Saturday. “Everyone wish The Jack God @boldyjames a speedy recovery,”

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