Bolognamania: what’s happening?

Bolognamania: what’s happening?

by Greta De Cupertinis

When you lose six games in the last seven, it is clear that it cannot be a simple case. The Bologna , while playing as in yesterday’s match against the Verona lost 2-1, fails to do result and fell into a black hole from which it is necessary to get up as soon as possible.

If we think about the quality and the results obtained in the first part of championship , this team looks like a faded photocopy of the one at the beginning of the season: it’s true, injuries and the absentees for covid have been many in the last period but there are no more alibis and it is essential to react to the moment no.

To do this, we also need some grafts in these last market days because remaining with this squad it will be difficult to finish the championship in the left side of the ranking, in line with the objective declared last summer.

Among other things, Sinisa Mihajlovic yesterday in a press conference declared that “Skov Olsen and Dijks no longer have pleasure in being with us”. This is another breakup that definitely doesn’t do the locker room good and finding accommodation for them in this winter session now becomes a priority. As well as replacing them worthily.

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