Boosters, masks, schools, tests: the cantons have decreed these measures

The federal government has largely passed the ball to the cantons for any tightening of the corona measures. Everyone reacted. An overview of the measures currently in force in the cantons.

Zahlreiche Kantone führen an den Schulen wieder eine Maskenpflicht ein: Oberstufenschulhaus in Elsau.

Numerous cantons are reintroducing a mask requirement at schools: Upper school in Elsau.

Karin Hofer / NZZ

In Switzerland, there has been an extensive identification requirement for 2 G since December 20. In addition, the Federal Council has an obligation to work from home disposes. However, it continues to dispense with some of the proposed measures, such as compulsory tests in schools, and at the same time increasingly obliges the cantons to take tougher measures. In all cantons, anyone over the age of 16 can register for booster vaccinations, provided that four months have passed since the primary vaccination.

Most of the cantons have now also adapted the quarantine rules due to the Omikron variant on the recommendation of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Anyone who has had close contact with a person who tested positive only has to be in quarantine for 7 days instead of the previous 10 days. In addition, people whose vaccination or recovery was more than four months ago will no longer be exempt from quarantine. So far this limit was 12 months.

In the overview you can see what is currently valid in which canton:

Kanton Aargau: Classes at the elementary schools end on Friday evening, December 17th. On the four missed school days from Monday, December 20th to Thursday, December 23rd, the schools ensure a needs-based care offer. The government council announced this on Friday (December 10th). From the start of school after the Christmas holidays (Monday, January 10), it is mandatory to wear a mask from the 1st grade of primary school. Voluntary repetitive testing is carried out in schools.

In hospitals and care facilities, a certificate is required for visitors and unvaccinated health care workers have it tested weekly. In addition, the canton calls on employers to enable them to work from home as much as possible. On-site meetings should only be carried out with masks.

Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden: The cantons of Eastern Switzerland jointly tightened the measures on December 2nd. They expand the requirement to wear a mask at indoor and outdoor events – regardless of the vaccination status. Children under the age of 12 and people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons are excluded. Concerts, parties, cinemas or theaters are affected, for example. Masks are also required for specialist and public fairs as well as at markets, for example Christmas markets. It is also compulsory to wear a mask in the waiting and access areas of public transport, i.e. on platforms and bus stops. Masks are also compulsory in hospitals and clinics, retirement and nursing homes and in dormitories for people with a disability.

All elementary schools must offer repetitive Covid-19 saliva tests. Participation is voluntary and free of charge. Tests are also offered to clubs. In addition, a mask requirement applies in schools for pupils from secondary school.

Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden:

The cantons of eastern Switzerland jointly take the measures on December 2nd tightened. They expand the requirement to wear a mask at indoor and outdoor events – regardless of the vaccination status. Children under the age of 12 and people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons are excluded. Concerts, parties, cinemas or theaters are affected, for example. Masks are also required for specialist and public fairs as well as at markets, for example Christmas markets. It is also compulsory to wear a mask in the waiting and access areas of public transport, i.e. on platforms and bus stops. Masks are also compulsory in hospitals and clinics, retirement and nursing homes and in dormitories for people with a disability. In addition, the cantonal governments are calling on employers to reintroduce more and more home offices.

The tests in schools will be intensified.

Canton Basel-Country:

On Wednesday (December 15th) the canton of Basel-Landschaft has tightened the screws on the schools: Due to the rapidly increasing spread of the virus in schools, from January 3, 2022, all pupils, teachers and employees of the public schools are invited to take part in the “Broad Test Baselland” weekly Committed. The primary and secondary schools start with distance learning and resume classroom-based teaching after a negative test result. In addition, the obligation to wear a mask is extended to the 1st to 4th primary class.

Canton Basel-Stadt: In all interiors of restaurants, including bars and clubs, as well as discos and dance halls, all persons must wear a face mask. This applies to both guests and employees. Despite 2G, consumption is only allowed while sitting at tables. All persons must also wear a mask indoors in facilities and businesses in the fields of culture, entertainment, leisure and sport. Exceptions are only made for children under 12 years of age and for people who cannot wear face masks for medical reasons.

Access to retirement homes and hospitals is only granted to visitors with a 3-G certificate. You must also wear a mask. The certificate and mask requirement also applies to staff in health and care institutions. In schools, masks are compulsory from the 5th grade onwards. All students must wear a mask – even if they have been vaccinated or recovered.

Canton Bern: The Christmas holidays are brought forward. The last day of school takes place on Tuesday, December 21st. For parents who are dependent on external care in the days before Christmas, a care offer is guaranteed. The government council announced this on Friday (December 10th).

In addition, in all publicly accessible indoor areas, at events, in the outdoor area of ​​train stations and public transport stops as well as in hospitals, nursing homes and daycare centers, all persons over 12 years of age must wear a mask – regardless of whether they have access to People with a certificate is restricted. Speakers, people who engage in sporting or cultural activities and guests while consuming food and drinks are excluded. It is compulsory to wear a mask in the outside areas of the waiting rooms and the entrances to public transport. In schools, children from the 5th grade must wear a mask. Hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the disabled as well as children’s and youth homes are only accessible to visitors aged 16 and over with a certificate. Hospital managers are advised to introduce the 3-G rule for staff or to organize repetitive tests.

Canton of Friborg: Certificates are for visits to Mandatory in hospitals and homes. Employees in health institutions have to be tested. It is recommended to wear a mask in public. A mask must be worn in schools from year 5 onwards as soon as there are Covid-19 cases. When there are many cases, everyone in school is required to wear a mask. The tests in schools are being intensified.

Canton of Geneva : masks must be used indoors be worn by public institutions, in publicly accessible places and at events – even if visitors have a certificate. A mask requirement also applies at the workplace and in training facilities. Schoolchildren aged 12 and over must also wear a mask. In restaurants, only one seat exempts you from the mask requirement.

Canton of Glarus: Visitors to the Cantonal Hospital must show a certificate.

Canton of Graubünden: All persons over 16 years of age can receive a booster vaccination. In schools, it is compulsory to wear a mask from the 3rd grade onwards – indoors and on the school premises. Intensive tests are to be carried out in schools and in companies.

Canton of Jura : students and Pupils, teachers and all other school employees at secondary levels I and II must wear a mask. The certificate is mandatory for the staff of health institutions and certain social institutions. The same applies to visitors: A mask is required from the age of six and an additional certificate from the age of 12.

Canton lucerne: Since Monday (December 6th) a mask is mandatory from the 1st primary class. Furthermore, a certificate and mask requirement for employees and visitors in hospitals, retirement and nursing homes and other social institutions will be introduced. A mask sometimes has to be worn outside of schools and care facilities. This applies, for example, to cinemas, theaters or concerts. A booster vaccination is offered to all persons aged 16 and over. From the beginning of school after the Christmas holidays, schools are also obliged to offer series tests.

Canton Neuchâtel

: On Monday, December 13th, stricter measures will apply in the canton of Neuchâtel due to average new infections of 200 per day: private meetings are temporarily limited to ten people. In addition, from Monday onwards, it is mandatory to wear a mask at all outdoor events without a Covid-19 certificate. This applies to weekly and Christmas markets, but also to the performance of choirs.

In addition, all public facilities are only accessible to vaccinated or recovered people. (2G rule).

Canton of Nidwalden : In retirement and nursing homes, in hospitals, for Spitex and in facilities for people with disabilities, a certificate is required. The obligation to obtain a certificate from the age of 16 in the institutions applies to both staff, residents and visitors. They must all either be vaccinated, recovered, or tested. The same also applies to external persons such as craftsmen who, for example, have to carry out an order in a home or in a hospital. Regular testing is mandatory for people who have not been vaccinated or who have not recovered. In addition to the certificate requirement, further protective measures such as wearing a mask when there is close contact between employees and clients should be maintained. From lower secondary level, all students must wear a mask. The Nidwalden Education Directorate postponed the start of school after the Christmas holidays to January 6, 2022. That’s three days later than planned.

Canton Obwalden: students un d Pupils from lower secondary level must wear a mask if less than 80 percent have been tested at the school. Health workers without a certificate must be tested twice a week. A certificate is required for all visitors to hospitals and homes. Unvaccinated employees in health institutions have to be tested twice a week.

Canton St. Gallen: On December 2nd, the cantons of eastern Switzerland jointly tightened the measures. They expand the requirement to wear a mask at indoor and outdoor events – regardless of the vaccination status. This also applies to Christmas markets. Exceptions are children under 12 years of age and people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons.

In addition, the canton of St. Gallen is obliged to wear a mask in all publicly accessible indoor areas: museums, libraries, fitness centers, bathing establishments, bars or Clubs. It is also compulsory to wear a mask in the waiting and access areas of public transport, i.e. on platforms and bus stops. Masks are also mandatory in hospitals and clinics, retirement and nursing homes and in dormitories for people with a disability.

For the Visit to a hospital or an old people’s and nursing home a Covid certificate is required. The mask requirement also applies to all children and adolescents of the primary and secondary level, as well as to all teachers and adults in the school.

Canton of Schaffhausen: It is mandatory to wear a mask for pupils of secondary levels I and II as well as at private schools. In primary schools there are repetitive pool tests.

Canton Schwyz: At all indoor events and in the interiors of publicly accessible facilities, a general obligation to wear a mask applies. In schools, the focus is on repetitive testing. As soon as one or more cases of illness are detected, a mask is required for the corresponding class or school unit for 14 days (from 3rd primary class). The mask must be worn indoors (if only one class is affected) or on the school premises and in all indoor areas (if two or more classes are affected). At the vocational schools and the secondary schools of the upper secondary level it is compulsory to wear a mask from entering the school building.

Canton of Solothurn: In the following interior rooms, all persons, including those who can show a Covid certificate, must wear a mask wear: at public events and large-scale events, at trade and public fairs, in restaurants, bars, clubs, discos and dance halls. It is also mandatory to wear a mask in facilities and businesses in the areas of culture, entertainment, leisure and sport, such as fitness centers, theaters or concert halls.

Pupils from the 5th grade must wear masks. This also applies to the third and fourth primary grades for two transition weeks after the Christmas break. Since December 1st, employees of retirement and nursing homes, homes for people with a disability and Spitex organizations have been obliged to test themselves regularly. A certificate is required for visitors.

Since the recommendation by the federal government, all adults in the canton of Solothurn who were vaccinated less than four months ago can also get a boost. In addition, the canton has further increased its vaccination capacities and recruited additional staff.

Canton Ticino: Mask wearing is in school from January 10th and until February 25th from the 1st Class compulsory. Since the beginning of January, a “2G” rule as well as a mask and seat obligation for all participants have been in effect for major events. For large events with over 1000 people, the rooms or stadiums may only be occupied by a maximum of two thirds. Consumption is only permitted in the restaurants in the buildings concerned. In addition, only the grandstand seats may be occupied in order to prevent crowds from gathering. The new measures for major events apply until January 16. All employees in hospitals, homes or the Spitex have to test themselves regularly if they do not have a certificate. Since December 27, visits to the canton’s hospitals have been suspended. The rules for visits to retirement homes, which are now only reserved for people with a 2-G plus certificate, are also being changed. These guidelines will remain in effect until January 10th.

Canton of Thurgau: On December 2nd, the cantons of eastern Switzerland jointly tightened the measures. They expand the requirement to wear a mask at indoor and outdoor events – regardless of the vaccination status. Children under the age of 12 and people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons are excluded. Concerts, parties, cinemas or theaters are affected, for example. Masks are also required for specialist and public fairs as well as at markets, for example Christmas markets. It is also compulsory to wear a mask in the waiting and access areas of public transport, i.e. on platforms and bus stops. Masks are also compulsory in hospitals and clinics, retirement and nursing homes and in dormitories for people with a disability. In addition, the cantonal governments are calling on employers to reintroduce more and more home offices.

In schools, repetitive testing will be enforced and continued until at least February 28, 2022 . For adults of all school levels as well as the pupils of the lower secondary level and the middle schools a mask is again compulsory.

Canton of Uri:

The 3-G rule for visitors applies in old people’s and nursing homes. Visitors from the age of 16 must be able to prove a vaccination, recovery or a negative test by means of a Covid certificate.

Canton of Vaud: The canton of Vaud is raising the alert level due to the worsening Covid situation. Level 3 now applies (“cantonal crisis”). This means that the canton can, if necessary, oblige the hospitals to refrain from certain, non-urgent operations, declared the Department of Health and Social Affairs on Sunday (December 12th).

On December 7th, all teachers and students from 7th grade (from 10 to 11 years of age) must wear a mask. Due to the increase in infections, all Christmas performances in schools are also canceled.

Canton of Valais : In closed, publicly accessible rooms, at public events that take place in closed rooms and in markets, a mask is required from 12 years. The Covid certificate is mandatory for private meetings with more than ten people. With the exception of individual offices, wearing a mask is also required in closed rooms at the workplace. Visitors to hospitals, clinics, retirement and nursing homes and social institutions in the adult sector must also present a certificate. The nursing staff must be tested and largely wear a mask – regardless of the vaccination. In schools there are weekly pool tests from secondary level.

Canton of Zurich: From December 6th, all persons who are If you are registered on the vaccination portal, call up the booster vaccination as soon as you can book an appointment. This is done via SMS or email. Since December 22nd, people in Zurich have been able to register for a booster vaccination if their basic vaccination was five months ago. Anyone who received their basic immunization four months ago can get a boost from January 1st. Since December 1st, it is mandatory to wear a mask for pupils from the 4th grade and in the new year from the 1st grade. For adults, the measure applies in all indoor areas and at all levels of elementary school – from kindergarten to 3rd secondary grade. For the time being, no further measures will be introduced at upper secondary level, middle schools and vocational schools. Repetitive testing in schools is highly recommended.

Canton Zug : Since December 2, this applies in all publicly accessible interiors of cultural institutions, leisure –
and sports facilities, indoor events and restaurants, a mask requirement for all persons from 12 years. A mask requirement also applies to all students in all school classes from primary level. The mask may be taken off as soon as the students have taken their place.

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