Borussia Dortmund hopes to have Gio Reyna back fit following international break

Gio Reyna will not play a part in the U.S. men’s national team’s upcoming World Cup Qualifiers, but the American winger should be back in action at club level following the October international break.

Borussia Dortmund manager Marco Rose confirmed Friday that Reyna will miss Saturday’s Bundesliga showdown with Augsburg and will stay with the club through the upcoming international break. Dortmund is also aiming to schedule a friendly during the break for players like Reyna and others to gain match fitness before the club resumes competitive play on October 16 vs. Mainz.

“Gio Reyna is not back yet, same with Erling Haaland. He tried, but the pain is still too strong,” Rose said Friday in a press conference. “We hope to get Gio Reyna fit for Mainz and will also play a test match during the break.”

Reyna was not included in Gregg Berhalter’s 27-player roster on Thursday for upcoming World Cup Qualifiers against Jamaica, Panama, and Costa Rica. The 18-year-old suffered a hamstring injury in a 0-0 draw with El Salvador in September, which forced him to miss eventual qualifiers against Canada and Honduras.

Reyna has missed the last five competitive matches for Dortmund, in which the club has won four of them, including its opening two matches in the UEFA Champions League. His exclusion from the USMNT roster has seen Berhalter call in Brenden Aaronson, Paul Arriola, and Matthew Hoppe as wing options as both Reyna and Christian Pulisic miss out through respective injuries.

Borussia Dortmund is fourth in the Bundesliga standings and could finish as high as second following weekend’s end pending it defeats Augsburg and Bayer Leverkusen and Wolfsburg drop points.

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