Brazil: Hospital chain reportedly tested unproven drugs on COVID-19 patients

A hospital chain in Brazil was supposed to test unproven drugs on older COVID-19 patients without their knowledge. The information was revealed in the Senate by lawyer Bruno Morato. He represents doctors who dared to report any irregularities.

At least nine people died of COVID-19 during testing at the Prevent Senior hospital network from March to April 2020, but on their cards the patient’s cause of death was hidden, said a Senate lawyer in the Senate. She added in a statement that 7 percent had died. out of 56 thou. patients with COVID-19 who have been treated in network facilities, which is better than other public and private hospitals.

Pedro Batista, owner and executive director Hospital network admitted to the Senate last week that patient cards have been changed to remove all references to COVID-19 after two weeks of hospitalization. As he explained, these people were no longer a threat as a source of infection.

However, he denied that untested drugs were tested on patients without their knowledge. He stated that doctors prescribed them when patients asked for them themselves. He added that comments from President Jair Bolsonaro and “other influencers” touting the measures had prompted many patients to demand prescriptions.

Morato, representing 12 doctors Prevent Senior employees, said the company threatened doctors and fired them if they disagreed with the “covid kit” that included hydroxychloroquine, erythromycin and ivermectin. There is no scientific evidence that these drugs are beneficial in treating COVID-19.

– Helpless elderly patients have been told that there is a good treatment. They did not know, however, that they were used as guinea pigs, Morato said. She added that doctors were instructed not to explain treatment to patients or their relatives.

Morato said the hospital was supposed to help the Bolsonaro government, which touted unproven drugs as effective. against COVID-19.

The Prevent Senior network has denied that it has ever dismissed doctors who refused to use drugs.

As Reuter reported, the Ministry of Health did not respond to a request for comment and it is unclear what the government knew about the alleged tests.

The Covid-19 pandemic killed nearly 600,000 Brazilians.

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