Bridge collapsed before Biden's speech on infrastructure

Joe Biden would talk about new investments in infrastructure in Pittsburgh. A bit silly for the US president, however, was that a bridge collapsed in the city just hours before the speech.

The decay of the US infrastructure is something that has been a political issue under both Presidents Obama and Trump, but they both failed in their attempts to wager. Things have gone better for Joe Biden who managed to get legislation passed this fall.

On Friday, the president was going to the city of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania , where he intends to talk about the investments in infrastructure, the problems in the supply chain and the future of the US manufacturing industry.

“Remarkable economic progress”

Pittsburgh has historically been a center of the US steel industry, as evidenced by the name of the city’s American football team in the NFL – Pittsburgh Steelers. Biden would visit Mill 19 – one of the many steel industries in the city that has been converted into a high-tech center.

“The President will talk about the remarkable economic progress we have made during his first year in – including the fastest single year of job growth in American history, the largest fall in unemployment ever and, as we learned on Thursday, the fastest economic growth in 2021 in almost four decades “, the White House wrote in a statement.

Bus hung from bridge

But just hours before the president’s visit, local authorities reported that a snow-covered bridge had collapsed in the city. Pictures from the local media show a bus hanging in from the collapsed bridge. However, no deaths or injuries have been reported, according to Reuters.

“Our team is in contact with government and local officials on site as they continue to gather information on the cause of the collapse. The president is grateful for the first aid workers who rushed to help the drivers who were on the bridge at the time, “the White House said in a statement.

Also read: Bad rating, Joe Biden – time to tackle inflation?

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